Why Worry About Money?

chronic-stressWhen you’ve asked yourself the question,”Why  worry about money ?”
It’s an important question to ask, because you don’t want this problem to continue. I’ve heard the statement that money isn’t everything, but it’s right up there with oxygen.

No one wants to have money worries, I know when I’ve had them, I had trouble sleeping at night. There is always something you need that comes up, and when you can’t act on that need whether it is for yourself or your child or children, it feels really bad!! It can sometimes get so bad that you may not want to answer the phone.

What are your Options?

So what are you going to do? Get another job? Get 2 jobs, maybe even 3? That may help momentarily, but you are away from the ones you love the most and care about. The wages in our great Country have certainly not recovered since the crash in 2008. Jobs are coming back, but great paying jobs across the board are plain not there.

The economy is changing. Manufacturing jobs that we once had are not coming back. Re-education into new fields can be a possibility if you are young and can take advantage of getting back to school. Statistics are that by 2020 40% of the workforce will be private contractors. Click Here to find out more.

Many people middle aged and older have more trouble being hired, because they are over-qualified in their field and what they did is no longer wanted or valued.  Their worry about money may be constant.

If we had retraining centers that wouldn’t jeopardize unemployment, and could redirect our eager people who want to work, that might help, but by and large they aren’t there. We have many Professionals who are in the same boat.

We have many highly skilled, very well educated people that Employers don’t want to hire, because they are middle aged or older; they would much rather hire a younger person for much less and train them in the ways of their company. It makes their bottom line look better with cheaper help.

Companies in this time since the recession have become very lean companies with people working more jobs, sometimes more hours instead of hiring more people to lessen the workload of those that are carrying the load of more.

Who is feeling the squeeze?

The people that are in these jobs where the squeeze is going on, may also feel they don’t have many options. If they leave, they may not be able to find work that will feed them and their families. This worry about money and needing stability can leave a person feeling trapped.

This hardship has taken a big toll on the American people and their hope for the American Dream where they can continue to improve themselves and that their children will be able to live a better lifestyle than they were able to achieve.

I want you to know that I am acutely aware of the problem that most Americans experience where there is not enough money and the worry about money is all the time. Many dreams are going unfulfilled right now.

What are the options for individuals to change the course of their future? If you are stuck, what can you do differently that could change the course of your financial life?

Could you work for yourself? Do you have an entrepreneurial spirit? Are you motivated enough to keep going long enough to learn what you need to know until the income shows up? Do you have a can-do attitude? Are you unstoppable?

Is a home business something that would be a fit for you? If it is, don’t listen to the naysayers, remember this is Your life. How would you figure out which one is the right one for you? The investment to start a home business is much smaller than a storefront or a Franchise. Ask questions and do some learning first.

I was also in your position wondering what could I do to help my family without having to take on many more jobs. I had small children and being away from home was not an option for me.

What can you do?

I felt the same way you might be feeling about what was available and would it be real. There is so much out there now to chose from. How can you ever decide which one? I jumped in and tried home business as my option and have had wild success and also some failure. The promise of long term income with a home business was very intriguing in what that could mean to me and to my family.

I have been luckier than most to have long term (21 years) of residual income. I also discovered a way to have a business from home that will bring very successful results using new technology. The Dream is Alive! I can show you and teach you how.

In the last two decades a Revolution has taken place in the way business is being done today. Online Business’ are booming. Amazon, Facebook, Google, Twitter and so many that have changed the way we think about doing business Online.

Store fronts also have an Online presence. I have wondered was there a way to do a legitimate way to do a home business online? I discovered there is a way and it’s taught step by step.

So many,when they are desperate are looking for a get rich quick scheme that is automated and they don’t need to do much. I am here to tell you these deals will steal your money,and will put you in a worse position. Please beware.

Please take a look at www.AttractionMarketingWithJohannaBaker.com    You will receive an 11 Lesson Bootcamp on how the Attraction Marketing can be learned. . I have talked to many and if you learn this process your financial future can be very secure. You earn while you learn, you do this at the same time you are doing what you need to now to bring income home.

In time, your days of worry about money will go away and you won’t be needing your job. How will that feel?



Empowering Your Success,

Johanna Baker


PS: Learn how to become a better writer.  Click here

PPS: If you are ready to learn the Attraction Process on the Internet, I recommend a 11 Day Boot camp that will teach you the basics.  Click Here



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