Tag Archives: Desire for change

6 Excuses Stop You From Starting Your Home Business

Are Your Excuses Stopping You-










Your excuses  stop you from starting your own home business.  You moved into the New Year excited that things would be different for you this year. But, things come that stop you from starting your home business.  You are upset because you are stuck.   You want to get your business off the ground, but you are at your wit’s end.  You promised yourself!!  Your desires and passion put you in front of the computer to figure it out.


1-28-2016 6-32-40 PMI have been reading The War of Art by  Steven Pressfield. Steven calls this state, “The State of Resistance”.  This state of “Resistance”, keeps us in a state of fear and in immobility.  We fear the aloneness of being on our own.  When we go to a job, we have our co-workers and a boss and our duties are clearly defined.  When we start a business we are on our own, we’re afraid of being alone.  

We are going to have to figure it out ourselves.  The truth is we are never alone.  As we step out, the dream we have for ourselves sits like a little lady bug on our shoulders wishing us well.  If we call for our courage, in the deepest part of ourselves where the desire to better ourselves comes from, we will be able to support and sustain ourselves.  There are many out on the internet where there is free training to help you get started and figure it out. Don’t let your excuses stop you from starting your own home business.

Are your Excuses just Excuses?

The excuses we make for our selves, is just procrastinating.  Anyone can succeed if they are willing to go out and gain the knowledge and learn the skills that will make a person successful.  Say, you want to work online, or you want to be successful in a network marketing business, it will take setting the time aside to do the learning and then doing the work that is required of you..


If you make excuses and spend your time in front of the television, the knowledge you need to learn for your new craft won’t happen.  Regret word cloud concept

It is resistance to what your heart desires, to really change your life and your finances that stands in your way to make the move to move forward.  


Are any of the following 6 excuses holding you back from starting your own home business?

  • I don’t have the money. Is there  ever a time where you have enough money?  Before the internet it took lots of capital to start a business.Thanks to the internet you can start a business for less than $100.Work with what you’ve got. be careful not to buy every shiny object out there.  Make a decision and try to stay focused.  Concentrate on what will help you the most.
  • I don’t have the time. There is a saying, if you want something done, find a busy person, they get it done.How do people who are in business do it?  They make sacrifices.  They don’t watch TV, They give up socializing as much.  Focus on the time that you do have, where you are not sleeping.  Make the sacrifice and make your dream a reality.
  • The market is flooded. McDonald’s and Burger King are in the same market? If you want to do business on the internet, it’s a myth that the market is saturated. The market is ready for new ideas and marketing strategies.  You need to be willing to take the time and effort to learn and get into action.
  • I’m too old, I’m too young.  Are you on your deathbed? If you’re not, then you have wisdom and life experience that can go into your business. Stop thinking of yourself as old, think of yourself as capable with time and resourcefulness to succeed.  If you’re young, you have time, energy and motivation to learn new things to succeed.  If you believe in yourself, you can prove everyone else wrong and do it for yourself..
  • I don’t have the skills or experience.  That may be the case at this moment.  You don’t know what you don’t know.  Most entrepreneurs who get in a business do not know everything when they first get started.  You can accept that you’ll learn along the way ( and usually from your mistakes) or do something about it to make sure you do learn.
  • Who will help you? There is plenty of help out there.You must help yourself.You will need to look in forums, blogs, youtube, websites where you can learn and grow.  Your confidence will grow as you learn and overcome the obstacles that will show up.  Take responsibility, don’t wait for someone to help you ,move forward. Stop excuses concept.



What are your excuses for not moving forward?


Is your Resistance and your excuses keeping you from achieving success. Take the time to figure out your “excuses”, are they what is preventing you from what you really want? Or are you getting in your own way?Hand writing: In The End We Only Regret the Chances We Didn't Take


If you got some value from today’s post, Are you letting your excuses hold you back from moving ahead?, please feel free to leave me a comment below.  It’s always appreciated.


In Gratitude,


Johanna Baker

“Finally Awake”

408-219-3574 text me

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PS:  Get rid of your excuses and take a look at something that will truly get you and your business flying off to a great start or kickstart you into action  CLICK HERE FOR ACCESS

Habits for a successful year


Habits for a Successful YearOld Habits - New Habits signpost in a desert road background

Let’s face, it, another year is beginning and we want this next year to be better than the last. But, we don’t like making a New Year’s resolution that we end of not following through on, because it will make us feel like a failure.


Instead, this year make a commitment to make real changes and develop habits that will make you feel great about who you are and who you want to be.


Many people have written about balance in their life.  How do you have balance in your life when you want to forge in a new direction that will truly make your life better.


From my experience, it can only happen if you make a commitment to yourself and you do it through a process of making incremental positive decisions and develop habits that take you in the direction you want to go.


Running a marathon is not easy.

Cross-country running man and woman together

  You can’t decide today that you’ll run a marathon a month from now.


  It’s going to take training for weeks and months before your body is ready.  


  My daughter decided to run a half marathon in her desire to get herself stronger and healthier.


She made a plan of how far she would run on each day to build up to the time of the race.  


Breaking her desire into manageable increments of distance and then increasing distance, making the sacrifices to do it several times a week made it possible for her to run successfully.


There are no magic bullets.  You have to put in the time and practice, and do it incrementally.


Reality Check

Health Work Career Friends Signpost Showing Life And Lifestyle Balance


Let’s face it, life is complicated


How do you balance wanting to get ahead in a side business, your family, your job, your health.


Truth is it easy to get way out of balance.  If you work too many hours, your health can suffer.


You spend so much time on your business your family suffers.


First thing you will need to do is assess what balance is to you.  You also understand that things change from day to day.  One day may be totally devoted to your family, your next may take much more of your time on your job and you still are doing something on the side, so there needs to be time for that.


If you don’t take care of your health, by the decisions you make about what you eat and the exercise you get, your health will suffer.


Priorities and Boundaries


Time is the essential ingredient of the entire balance problem.  It is important to be aware and schedule your time so that you can develop a routine where you have the time to  exercise. have the the time for your job, the necessary time to grow your business, and you can’t neglect the most important people in your life.

balancing stones

Put things on your calendar.  You want to have special time with your spouse or your family.

Checking monthly activities in the calendar in the laptop

   Schedule your personal time for paying bills,laundry, cooking, shopping,  personal growth, reading and listening to things that will make you a better     person and have a good attitude.

    In other words, block off time for what is a priority.  Sometimes things are out of balance because of what needs to be done.  Sometimes sleep                  suffers.  You just can’t do this all the time or your health will suffer.




Having the Slight Edge

Make the decision that you will do things to reach your goals and that you won’t give up on yourself.  Jeff Olson wrote a life changing book called The Slight Edge.  It is about turning simple disciplines into massive success and happiness.


Jeff Olson’s book,  The Slight Edgethe_slight_edge_review


There are a few people  who have made their dreams come true.  These people seem to have inner direction that does not let them stop until they reach their achievement.


They seem to have this Slight Edge.  Reading this book is a help in having an understanding that it will take more than just the how to’s to make the change in you that will lead you to success.


Why do so many diets fail?  It isn’t that they are put together poorly. I know for myself when I have gone on a diet and my mindset for the success of that diet isn’t there, I am not successful.  I have sabotaged myself in many different ways. How many people do you know that have done as well.


What do you need to do to make it happen?  Discover the one thing that will help you achieve your goal and a life long dream and the ladder to your success. As Jeff explains, it takes much more than the how to’s.  Not that they aren’t important, but the changes that lead you to success come from within you.  Once you discover how your philosophy…. creates your attitude …. creates your actions… which will in turn create your results


Jeff talks about the essential key being our philosophy and attitude.  Self help books, all the how to’s are not enough.  I encourage you to read Jeff’s book and create The Slight Edge in your life

Continuous Improvement

Start Small


If you want to improve your health and you are just getting started to exercise, start with 5 minutes, walk when you can.Papers with inheritance tax and testament form Notepad with healthy life guide, apple and measure tape


With your diet, make good food choices, write down what you’re eating for the next week.


Add things to your routine.


With your family,  write a note of gratitude to your spouse, write a note to your friends,  With your children, make sure you carve out some individual time time with them.


With your business, focus on improving a skill or learn something that you need to know.


If you are in a job, make sure that you are doing more than just getting by.  What if I hate my job and the people I work with.


Hating or disgruntled, that attitude will not help you get very far when you are in business.


To be a leader and help others you will need to have an attitude of helpfulness, appreciation, and gratitude.  00 quotation-gratitude-1


There will be times in your life where you will need to work harder, it will be OK.


Don’t be afraid, that sometimes you will not be successful or that it is taking longer.  It is during this time, we usually learn the most.


Your long term business success will come from making little improvements every day and that is where you will find your Slight Edge.


Having intention and commitment that you will pursue what needs to be done and to learn your skills will enrich your life and give you the success you are looking for.


So if you’re ready to make this next Your Year –  if you’re bold enough to commit, get the mentor-ship and help you need to build a successful business, with residual income – then go ahead and check this out!

You can Continue to Burn a Hole in (1)

To Your Success,

Johanna Baker


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Johanna Baker

Johanna Baker

Become Unstoppable

Become UnstoppableNoDate (3)


Become Unstoppable. What does that have to do with Improv and our life?

Have you ever been in a theater group?

Maybe in High School?

What is the most fun and also the scariest?

Improv is like life because we need to respond in the moment as we go through life in different situations, when we interact with people and build relationships.  We don’t have a script about how we are to respond or act as we move through life. We need to trust our gut and go.improv-as-an-actor-makes-you-present-in-the-moment-you-listen-youre-attentive-youre-not-acting-so-quote-1


The reason I liken Improv to life is because it lacks preparation for being in the moment.

improv words words

When we think about Improv, many of us think about comedy and wonder, how can they be so funny and in the moment?


I did some research on Improv and discovered there are guidelines that Improv players follow to make it work.  I discovered that these guidelines are actually helpful as you look at being successful in business. Why is improv a lesson to becoming unstoppable?


Being in your own business where you are the boss, holds you to a higher standard.  You are now reporting to yourself.  You will need to become fearless, think in the moment, keep your limiting beliefs at bay.  Think about a person in improv, are they not fearless, in the moment and they are thinking outside of the box as they are responsive in the moment?


When you first make the decision that you want to start your own business and enter the arena of Entrepreneurship and you may want to do this online, you do this with your intellect, but your emotions are there to validate or nix the idea.


What are the secrets to building an unstoppable Self Confidence?


self love procuct2

  • Believe in yourself.  Don’t compare yourself to others.  When looking at others, you are only seeing the surface.  Build on your strengths, build your skills, focus on your goals and how you will get there.
  • It doesn’t mean that the loudest people are the most confident.  Learn to trust yourself and your own strengths.  Think about the people you admire the most.    Is their strength showy and braggadocios?  (Many may be feeling insecure.)  Most of us admire someone who has depth of character and helps others.
  • Keep the things you believe you’re not good at at bay. Focus on what you’re good at and use your strengths to advance yourself. Even people who are successful have things they aren’t good at.  Use your strengths to overcome obstacles that may get in your way.
  • Use positive affirmations that you believe will become your reality. Your positive self talk may not make you the most confident person, but successful people are good at positive self talk.  The best way to help yourself through your own doubts is to remind yourself of what you have accomplished and what you are still capable of doing. Your positive self talk can become more believable to you and changes will come from there.
  • Self confidence is about how you feel about yourself. Self confidence isn’t what others are thinking about you.  Your self confidence is about who you are, where you are and want to be in your own life and in leadership.  When you are sure about what you know and who you are then your self confidence and your ability to lead will be a natural consequence.
  • In the Serenity prayer:  God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,  The courage to change the things I can, And the wisdom to know the difference.  This prayer gives clarity and understanding of what you can do and what may just be a waste of time to move you toward your goal.  Make daily choices that will lead you to your goal.                                                                                                          


  • Jim Rohn, a leader in the personal development arena, had a great story he would tell about judging character, giving you insight into what you can change and what you can’t change.scorpion & the frog 8749346  He tells the story about the frog in the lily pond.  A scorpion comes along and asks the frog for a ride across the pond.  The frog says, “No way will I take a scorpion across the pond because scorpions sting frogs.”  The scorpion declared, “Why would I sting you, I want to get across the pond?”  The frog sighed, “If you promise you won’t sting me, I will take you across the pond.”  The scorpion promised.  So, they set off across the pond.  They were pretty close to shore on the other side, and guess what?  The scorpion stung the frog.  The frog asked,”Why did you do that?” “ I am a scorpion and that is what scorpions do, they sting.”  Know what you can change and become a good judge of character. Just as a leopard can’t can’t change their spots, others will do what they do because of who they are.


  • Decide to be committed to yourself. If you are true to what you want and are committed, then every day you will accept responsibility for doing the things that are necessary to reach your goals.  If you stumble or have setbacks, mount that horse, dust yourself off and don’t give up on yourself.  Even if you fall off the horse again, mount the horse again, don’t procrastinate, be true to yourself. Do what it takes to get to the goals you created for yourself.





When you are brand new to online marketing, you will benefit from learning a number of skills. What are the principles to having a business online?  First off you need to discover why you want to earn money online.  Some may say, I don’t like selling face to face and I hate the rejection. When you market a product of value, everyone will want what you have.


When you embark on a course of training you will discover how and what you want to market. You will learn about sales funnels and Lead capture pages. What are you going to email people once you have their name captured?  What kind of value will you bring to the person who is reading what you’ve written.  How can you help them?


What are the many connections with business and Improv?

Getting back to Improv and the connection it has to owning your own business. The guidelines for an Improv is that you enter without preparation and you respond in the moment with your feelings and intuition.  In our line of work in online marketing we need to be an Improviser, we need to be in the moment and connecting with stories. When we are talking with people we need to be listening before we respond, another principle in Improv.  Communication and Creativity are key in Improv and also key in our business. Improv is also about teamwork and building rapport.  Aren’t those key elements important in owning a business?


Let me tell you about Paul, one of the persons that is looking to change his life.  He has done a lot of odd jobs,construction, which takes a lot of physical exertion. He is looking down the pike and thinking, he doesn’t want his body to wear out and be working this kind of work when he’s in his 40’s.50’s and 60’s.  Work is up and down.  Sometimes it’s great and other times the times are lean.  Sometimes he needs to travel to where the work is.


I ask him, why does he want to work online?  He wants to learn new skills so he  can develop a  stable long term income.  He doesn’t want his body to wear out before he can have any fun in life. Does any of that sound familiar?


Getting back to improv.  If a character starts going on a story line and his partner says yes, the story can become very entertaining.  But what if, he says NO.  What happens next?  Nothing.  Everything stops.


So if you want the story to go on…. what is the answer that keeps it going?  Yes.

Improv & Bus say yes

Saying YES gives you Possibilities.


Many are afraid of failing, so they never start.  Failure is a way out.  Failing does not mean you’re a failure, you just start again. Fear is what is so immobilizing.


The following is an excerpt from Keith’s Winner’s Path Weekly Newsletter.

I was speaking to a client recently when it struck me how often I find myself coaching people around their fears and worries. Although we may want to better our lives and accelerate our productivity, many of our decisions are governed by fear. We want more, but avoid risks, so we continually produce similar results over again. We fear change, for we may lose some degree of control over the outcome. We fear expressing how we feel or what matters most to us, in fear that it would make us vulnerable. We fear leaving what’s predictable and comfortable, although it may not be best for us. We fear not having and not getting, having what we want and losing it, even getting what we want and no longer wanting it!



If your desire to succeed is strong enough then you’re willing to recognize your fear, realize it and push through it to become unstoppable.  Fear is a funny thing, because your old programming can get in the way of you seeing clearly  what you can do to work and push through it. transform fear into action iStock_000022997726Small-583x387


Listening with every part of your being makes it possible to make the best response.  It is also a willingness to change and to play the game that you are choosing.


Johanna Baker is offering you a Challenge

You wouldn’t be reading this if you didn’t want more in your life.

When you get that queasy feeling in your stomach, be bold, it’s your fear that has just cropped up.

You are your biggest critic.

Your doubts and fears, scare you, but once you decide what you want and step out your world will change.

Make a commitment to yourself.

Yes, I want positive change in my life.

Yes, I am going to be an entrepreneur.

Yes, I am going to build my own business.

Yes, I want to make a difference for me, my family, my children and grandchildren.

Yes, I want to build my legacy.

Yes, I want to leave a positive impact on this earth, that will touch many lives.

I challenge you to be the change you want to see in the world.

You have it in you.

You have a passion and a fire to make a difference.

You may be facing a little fear, can I really do this?.

I challenge you to face the fear and do it anyway.

Be Bold and unstoppable.

See your influence ripple out into the world and make a difference.

Be 10 times Bolder with intention.

Decide to give it your full commitment and willingness to learn and act.

Promise yourself that you will continue to learn and act till success shows up

Only Action produces results.

irecognize the power of taking action mages (4)







What plagues most business owners is, what actions will I be taking?

What actions will produce positive cash flow?

A business not making any money will not be around for the long term.


So if you’re ready to make 2016 Your Year –  if you’re bold enough to commit, get the mentor-ship and help you need to build a successful business, with residual income – then go ahead and check this out!You can Continue to Burn a Hole in (1)




To Your Success,

Johanna Baker

Johanna Baker

Johanna Baker



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Will Baby Boomers have enough money to retire?


Will Baby Boomers have enough money to retire and enjoy their retirement?

Like me, I bet you’ve seen TV commercials  in which the Investment companies asking people how much money they think they need to be putting away for their retirement. Baby Boomers are at that place and when asked “How can I make this money last?” for most the answer is, I don’t know.  http://www.cnbc.com/id/102581574


retirment coming







Michael Yardney confirmed that 74% of baby boomers have no idea how much it’s going to take to retire “comfortably”. According to the US Labor market more people are  working after the age of 55. Since 1990, the number of people still working in their 60’s has increased every year. http://blogs.wsj.com/economics/2014/08/14/the-truth-about-  retirement-for-baby-boomers/

(Michael is a director of Metropole Property Strategists who create wealth for their clients through independent, unbiased property advice and advocacy.)


According to Warren S Hersch, “two-thirds (62 percent) of middle-income boomers doubt they will have enough money to live comfortably throughout retirement.

About half (48 percent) of those who work with a financial professional are confident they’ll have enough money to live comfortably in retirement regardless of asset level, while less than a third (30 percent) without a professional feel that way.” http://www.lifehealthpro.com/2014/11/11/the-boomer-retirement-gap-13-key-findings-infograp

These are pretty astounding numbers and certainly make you think if you are getting closer to retirement. What will retirement be like for you?  Kathleen Pender who writes the net Worth Column for the San Francisco Chronicle  has posed the following questions with some astonishing answers.

Will Baby Boomers have enough money to retire? Read the Next article from the San Francisco Chronicle.

From the Net Worth Column of the San Francisco Chronicle

How much money will you need to have saved to retire?

One financial planning firm says you should have eight times your final annual salary in investments (excluding your primary home). Another company says 12.5 times is more like it.

These rules of thumb work in both high-cost and low-cost areas because they are based on your current standard of living.

The real answer, of course, depends on your individual circumstances, including your income, age at retirement, life expectancy, expected rate of return on investment, housing situation, medical conditions, insurance and whether you want to leave anything to children or charity.

But figuring that out takes a lot of work. Only 44 percent of workers say they or their spouse have ever tried to calculate how much money they will need to have saved by the time they retire, according to a survey by the Employee Benefits Research Institute.

This comes from http://www.sfgate.com/business/networth/article/You-probably-don-t-have-enough-money-to-retire-5536519.php

What are your Options?

work retire







What are your options if you find yourself falling short of what you think you will need?  Many are choosing to work more years. which is born out by the Wall Street Journal and the numbers they got from the Federal Reserve.



It’s important for baby boomers to enjoy their retirement.  Their top priority is to be able to afford to take vacations after they retire.  Unfortunately, many are concerned about their retirement prospects, which can be seen through the lens of the sfgate.com article.  Only 29% believe that they will have enough money to retire.  Only 19.4% think they will be able to rely on property retirement funds to retire. They may want to downsize and use their profits to invest or live on.people on the beach



These are are all interesting statistics and can be a bit overwhelming.  You may be wondering about where you fall after reading  the numbers and wondering how this relates to your future.


Many Baby Boomers are looking at alternative ways of earning another income by working from home which is something I have done myself.  Others are continuing  to work at their jobs much longer than they originally planned.


I would like to hear your comments about today’s post. I’d like to know if any of the details match your experience  or are yours different.  Feel free to leave your comments below.

I am here to assist you.  Did I help you? If so I would greatly appreciate your comments below and sharing this on Facebook.


Youthfully Yours,

Johanna Baker

The Revitalized and Awake Entrepreneur

“Help revitalize, your true purpose and know that there is So Much More to Come”

PS:  If you are someone who wants to earn income from home, feel free to email me at:


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betr cropped little hair face no chin





What I use to  learn how to work online and have the tools to learn online marketing.

#retirement,  #BabyBoomers, #BabyBoomersandretirement

10 Tips To Be Successful

Success comes from the Inside Out not from the Outside In










What are the 10 tips for success? It’s not about positive thinking.  How many of us have tried that and not had it work?  (Not that a positive attitude won’t serve you.).  A key to making a change is changing the way you think about yourself. As per Maxwell Maltz of Psycho Cybernetics, , he said ”it is folly to try to put new material over an old garment or putting new wine in old bottles.”   The 10 Tips to be successful are actually the 10 Things you must give up to be successful. You have to undergo some fundamental changes


I believe Maxwell Maltz is trying to say there needs to be a fundamental change in how we see ourselves.  If we try to use being positive about a particular situation and we have a negative concept of Self, just being positive may not be enough, if the internal view is negative, it feels fake. Once our Self-concept is changed, we can accomplish tasks easily without strain.

How does a Cosmetic Surgeon discover that changing Looks does Not change the Person?

Maxwell Maltz was a cosmetic surgeon.  He discovered some interesting things that happened to people after cosmetic surgery.  Some had a dramatic turn around when they saw themselves as more attractive. For others, things stayed exactly the same because they saw “no change” in their appearance.  So what is the difference in this Self-image?

What does Self-image have to do with Success?

He discovered that the Self-image needs to be something you can live with that is acceptable to you. You need to not be ashamed of who you are, so you can express yourself freely.  This self- image includes your strengths and your weaknesses, it is a reasonable approximation of “you” being neither more nor less than what you are.


Dr. Maltz left cosmetic surgery to work with people to help them with their ”psychological, emotional and spiritual face lift’,  because the change he wanted people to see in themselves would not necessarily come from the change in physical appearance.


Why are these concepts of Self-image so important in your success?  As you will read about the 10 things you need to give up (written by Stephen Covey), you can change these things for yourself by making a decision, taking responsibility and putting your intentions into action by consciously applying these principles in your life.  You may not have a mentor that believes in you, and so you’ll need to do these things for yourself.

Examples of Change in Self-image

In my last Blog, I wrote about Self-image and behavior. I gave examples of the trauma and difficult circumstances in which Oprah Winfrey grew up.  She had a change in how she saw herself after moving in with her father.  He was a strict disciplinarian and expected the absolute best that she could give. The change she experienced after being required to read, write, and do well changed her.  Her self- image changed and what she did changed. Remember, I wrote that behavior follows Self-image.


I also wrote about Dwayne Dyer in my last post.  He came from difficult circumstances being in foster homes for a number of years before he was reunited with his mother. He said his lesson learned was self-reliance.  He learned from this experience and grew to where through his books and lectures he is now helping millions of people to take responsibility for themselves and to forge a new future.

How does Your Self-talk affect You?

Self-talk is very powerful and can limit who we are and what we are able to accomplish.  We are always hardest on ourselves and the negative Self-talk is a direct sabotage of who we are and where we want to go in our lives. Negative self- talk perpetuates a negative Self-image.  Our own Self-image and what we see as possible for our self; is the most critical factor in our achieving success.

What is My Brother’s Keeper?




This last weekend I watched a documentary called “My Brother’s Keeper”.  http://thegrio.com/2015/06/16/president-obama-gets-personal-in-my-brothers-keeper-documentary-for-own/  This is a program that President Obama started to help male youths of color gain a new image of themselves so they can become contributing members of society.  He wants to break the patterns of African American, Latino, American Indian boys who may have had very difficult childhood experiences. He wants to give them the opportunity to make big changes in who they are if they are ready and want change for themselves….so that they will become the leaders of our future and not be a statistic of the many youths of color who find themselves in prison.


The “My Brother’s Keeper” program is an opportunity for boys that have decided they want something different in their lives  It’s about taking responsibility for themselves and getting help through a hand up that the program provides.


In the film, there is an Academy in Chicago where these young men (ages 14 to 18) are going to a school where they are challenged academically and personally to be their best selves.  They wear jackets and ties with white shirts as their uniform.  How do you think these boys see themselves?  In the graduating class they have 100% of the boys going to college.  There are other organizations BAM Becoming a Man, that are working with youth who may have had problems and with the effort of caring adults are turning around the self- image of these boys.  Remember behavior follows image.


What are they teaching them?  They have to take responsibility for themselves and their actions.  They may have had some tough breaks, but this is now and they can no longer make excuses for themselves. They are there to learn and get an education and to become better, have delayed gratification to do what is necessary to become better, to be at the top of their game.


They need to become more articulate, become a leader, no cursing, no smoking, no fighting.  They have to be ready to make a change.  When they want to make a change, someone is there to help them along to make that change.  It’s never too late to make a change.  Life is a journey, not a straight line, and with the decision that comes from wanting to be better and more, there is always time to make a change. President Obama said “the actions of who we are have to match who we want to be.” The accumulation of our actions is who we are. He went on to say “that the individual must have the internal strength to know what’s right or wrong and to do the right thing.”

Why do I tell you the Story of My Brothers Keeper?

Why do I tell you the story of “My Brother’s Keeper”?  Because we are no different if we want to change our life and our future.  The situation may be different, but we need to take responsibility for ourselves and we need to want to change, and be willing see ourselves as successful.  First off, we need to decide that we need to change:. that we want to be better, that we intend to do better and become more.

10 Things to give up to move forward







Steven Covey in “Seven Habits of Highly Successful People” identified 10 things that we need to give up in order to move forward.  I wanted to outline them here, because it may be easier to see the simple things that will set you on the right path.  It is easy to become overwhelmed and not know where to start.


These things will help you to change your Self-image and your developed habits to propel you to where you want to be. If you want to start a business and be successful living these principles will be essential to your success.


10 Things you must give up to move forward Stephen Covey


#1   Letting the opinions of others control your life

  •  It’s not what others think, it’s what you think about yourself that counts.
  • You have to do exactly what’s best for you and your life, not what’s best for everyone else


#2   The shame of failures

  •    Your past does not equal your future.
  •    All that matters is what you do right now.


#3    Being Indecisive about what you want

  •    You will never leave where you are until you decide where you want to be.
  •     Figure out what you want and then go after it passionately.


#4   Procrastinating on the goals that matter to you

  •     There are two primary choices in life:  to accept conditions as they exist or accept responsibility for changing them.
  •      The best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago.  The second best time is now.


#5   Choosing to do nothing

  •       You don’t get to choose when you’re going to die or when.
  •       You can only decide how you’re going to live right now.
  •        Everyday is a new chance to choose


#6   Your need to be “right”

  •       Aim for success, but never give up your right to be wrong.
  •        Because when you do, you also give up the right to learn new  things and move forward with your life.


#7  Running away from problems that should be fixed

  •       Stop running from what you need to face.
  •       Face these issues, fix the problems, communicate, appreciate, forgive, and LOVE the people in your life that deserve it.


#8   Making excuses rather than decisions

  •       Most long term failures are the outcome of people making excuses instead of decisions.


#9    Overlooking the positive points in your life

  •       What you see often depends on what you’re looking for.
  •       You will have a hard time ever being happy if you aren’t thankful for the good things in your life right now.


#10    Not appreciating the present moment

  •    Too often we try to accomplish something big without realizing that the greatest part of life is made up of the little things.


You Can do it


I know that times are tough right now, but you can do it. You can create the lifestyle of your desires.  I am here to assist you.  If you got value from this, please comment below.


Did I help you? If so I would greatly appreciate your comments below and sharing this on Facebook.


In Gratitude,

Johanna Baker

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Johanna Baker








PS: Learn how to become successful in business.  Click here


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Internet Explorer is in its last days

Internet Explorer is in its last days

You may be saying….. Amen.  Or, you’re not surprised that  Internet Explorer is in it’s last days.download IE symbol


You may not be surprised, with all the crashes and problems you’ve had with it.  On it’s 20th Birthday later this year, looking back at it’s peak,  it had 95% of it’s market share.


Now, it’s definitely on life support. Microsoft  has it’s hand loosely on the plug.


The new browser Spartan will be released with Windows 10  sometime in the fall of 2015, and may have some semblance in the new version.  It is sure to have the add on capabilities of Firefox and Google Chrome.


Internet Explorer or IE,   didn’t stay current with what was going with Firefox and Google Chrome and so it’s demise is only a short time away.

 How did Sears miss their chance?

Not keeping up with change is something that happens all the time, I think of Sears who had the most incredible catalog sales.


Sears didn’t see the opportunity to move with technology and Amazon came along and changed the entire market.


Change is the most inevitable constant we experience in our lives.


Because of this continuous change  and technology moving faster and faster, sometimes it feels like it’s harder to keep current.


Is there an option to stay current?


If you’ve been in network marketing and the home business arena you most likely have been taught to make your list and everyone is a prospect for what you have.  Wrong, and you’ve most likely experienced a lot of rejection  It may be time to learn a different way that will not leave you feeling like you have been a punching bag. How do I start on the internet


Learning how to draw people to you through attraction marketing is very appealing and works. But, how do you do that?


Having the right program and person to learn from is so important.  I spent the last year learning how to do online marketing and learned a lot and then discovered that the training was not completely truthful. Because it had huge holes in the how to do it right, I spent  money that did not lead me to successful advertising because key information was left out.  I am glad for the training, but when you become disillusioned, it may be  time for a change.


Choosing a trainer and training system where you can truly learn the basics is critical to your success. Don’t get me wrong, I learned many things, but there were holes, and when you are missing some critical elements, things don’t work very well and the extra income you were looking for in your project won’t be there.

 What System will help your success?

When you are looking or even if it’s where you are right now, you need to ask yourself some important questions., Do you have a system that allows you to  have an effective marketing program?  That is what everyone needs, without it, you are trapped by contacting everyone you know and trying to connect using the 3 foot rule . Or, you are spending a small fortune on leads that are supposedly looking for something to better their financial life.   What happens, is that  you are talking to people, who don’t want to be sold, about what you have. Remember, everyone likes to buy, but no one wants to be sold. They like to discover it.  That’s why the internet is so great.


You may be saying, I am only sharing.  When a person understands there is financial gain for the person sharing, their listening changes and they become uncomfortable, because they know you want them to buy from you.  To be really successful you need to have a target market and a continuous stream of people who want to talk to you and want what you have.

 Have you been speaking with Opportunity Leads?

If you are like me you have been through the process of talking to endless opportunity leads who didn’t sign up for anything on the internet that said they wanted to make more money.  They were looking for a job that will pay them for showing up and doing their tasks.  They don’t really want to make big changes in their life.


The other issue you have when talking to these leads, is that they don’t trust what you’re saying. Why, because they don’t know who you are, and that you are a trustworthy person and what you have is trustworthy.  Because of the shenanigans that have taken place on the internet and people that don’t know you, people are naturally skeptical.


So what do you do to make this change.  You need to find and follow a person that you do trust  and follow what they have to say.  If you are the one Blogging, then you will need to build that trust with your target market.  You will need to know of what you speak and how to help someone out of their dilemma of what is not working.


You will have to show them the system and how it works so they can make money online and learn the skills necessary to succeed online.

 Have you been stuck in the ways you are currently doing things

What  has been keeping you stuck from being able to move forward?  Remember change is constant.  If you are like I was,  take the first step and start to explore what you don’t know yet.


Don’t be a network marketer that continues to struggle doing the same thing hoping for different results… become the network marketer that can teach their team how to build their business. Provide tools beyond the traditional MLM world.


Show them the magic of attraction marketing.


If you got value from this post, comment down below. I want to know what makes you an attractive marketer!

Also share on Google+ or Facebook if you know of someone that could benefit from this post. Share buttons are on the left.

Yours in Gratitude,

Johanna Baker



PS: If you want to understand the Lies that you have been told about having Success in Network Marketing and what to do about it, check this out.



Can a Home Business Change Your Life?

Can a Home Business really change your life?

older_couple_-_originalThere are many who have joined the home business industry with the intention of making money. How would things be different for you if you owned your own business? How could having a home business really change your life? It is very appealing to make money from home, make money online, not having to answer to anyone but yourself. Bringing home money to supplement the family’s income, supplementing retirement could change everything for you. No longer being in a state of worry about money, how would that feel?  Feeling that you finally have the control over your financial future is so freeing.


There are so many that lost their retirement income, savings when we had the economic crash.  Many are still having problems managing. Well paying jobs did not come back or were very slow to come back The reason a person entertains the idea of working from home in their own business is to make money. What does it take to be successful working from home?


It takes working harder for yourself and on yourself than you did for your company or your boss. You need to have the desire to change your life. It is fun and challenging to work from home. Working independently you don’t have anyone breathing over your shoulder to make sure you are doing what you need to be doing.  You also need to have the self discipline to work for yourself without anyone needing to encourage and demand that things get done at a certain time.  It is a way  that the average person can develop freedom that is unavailable in any other way.  Where else can you start with little investment, learn valuable skills, and create a very profitable business?


There needs to be a system to learn the skills that will make you successful. Your partnership with a person and a team is important. You may be working independently, but you also need guidance as you start your new venture that leads you through the system to success. Where else could you gain real freedom and purpose in your life?  When I talk about freedom, that’s time freedom, more personal freedom, financial freedom, giving you more time and resources to pursue your purpose and the things you would love to learn and do.  When you’re in a job, there is a ceiling on what you will be paid for the work you are doing. in your own home business there is no ceiling.200171390-001


In a world where we look for friendships, fun freedom from worry over money, peace of mind, this kind of community of learning and making money is life changing.


If you are a person that wants to explore how you can make changes in your life, please check out the following link that has a system to give you the skills to successfully create a business online.

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Johanna Baker



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PS:  You may be wondering how can I start something, when I don’t know the first thing about how to start and what to do.  Click Here To Find Out How.


PPS:  Tap into This No B.S. System For Collecting 100% commissions  Every Single Day ON Autopilot.  Click Here To Watch This Epic 57 Minute Video

Start Your Blog While You Work

 Why Start your Blog While You’re Working?

MLM Blog Training -Courtesy of 7 Figure Home Business

MLM Blog Training – Courtesy of 7 Figure Home Business

So you are tired of the endless stream of rejection and you are looking for another way to build your business. Will starting a Blog  while you’re working at your job, be an answer?  What if you could generate 20-100 leads a month that want what you have. How could you do this?


Are you tired of wasting your hard earned money on tire kickers. People who don’t have any credibility . You are wondering how you will ever succeed in this home business arena or even a Brick and Mortar Business where you need more sales.  You don’t want to give up on your dream of financial freedom, or at least not having to worry about money anymore. So what is the answer to finding people or have people find you?


How can the internet with it’s worldwide reach be the help that you need. I have gotten into a program called EMP and they are teaching me step by step what to do to learn all the skills needed to have a successful Online Presence. I have learned how making your Blog can be a genuine successful venture. I want to pay it forward. So here goes…


Blogging is a way that you can make money by itself or add it to your existing business.  There are some people who have started a Blog out of their own interests or a hobby that they love and have made money in the process. Sounds crazy or sounds like a Dream. It’s true. Remember the Movie Julia and Julia? Its about Julia who cooked all of Julia Child’s recipes and Blogged about it.  It became a movie.  If you haven’t make a point of seeing her process.

How will having a Blog Benefit You?

The Power of the Blog doesn’t need to take all of your time. What will starting your Blog do for you?

1) It will give you a credible business platform. You will be an expert in what you do and not just a business owner.

2) Increase the organic SEO (Search Engine Optimization) traffic to your website so that more people will find you.

3) Provide you with an extra stream of passive income.


I was in a situation that you may find yourself in. You found a company and you are in love with their products. You definitely are enthusiastic about how you feel if it’s nutrition or if it’s new technology, you are enthusiastic about how it will assist people.  Here may be some of your obstacles you have run into.


1) No Time

2) No leads or traffic

3) Talking to unqualified leads

4) Don’t have credibility

5) Technology Challenged

6) Missing a Coach or Mentor So where do you start.

Who is your Target Market?

First you will need to figure out who is your audience if you already have a business.  Does your business need more traffic? Who wants this information? Are you looking for people who are looking to better their life? Business owners in a Brick and Mortar Business, Realtors, Mortgage Brokers,  Any Business Person wanting to build a wider audience?


Do you want to reach frustrated network marketers?  Who are the top leaders in your company?  Pharmacists, Financial Analysts, Dentists, Doctors?  What don’t they have enough of?  Time with their family. Time to pursue many important Projects that they believe in, but if they quit working, the money stops.  Do you think what you have will appeal to people who want Time Freedom and Financial Freedom??


You can set up a Blog for less than $70.


Next Step, let people know about your Blog.  Use Social Media. Facebook, Google +, Twitter, Pintrest or any other Program you are a part of.


What’s Your Destination? More time with your family? Travel, Vacation? Build your Bank Account? Pay off all Bills? Buy a Car? Save for your child’s education or make money now to send them to College? Build your bank account , to have more security? Build your bank account to secure your retirement?


Get your hands on training that will teach you the 7 steps to generating endless leads that only a few mentors and leaders teach. So if you are ready to engage and harness the code to build your Network Marketing Business or Affiliate Program; discover the first step in this process with 7 Free Videos. http://bit.ly/invitingcopy


This will be your most valuable resource in building your 6 or 7 figure business. To hear more tips and tricks for starting your Blog and working Online, sign up for my newsletter here.



Empowering Your Potential,

Johanna Baker

408-272-8116 H

408-219-3574 M



PS: Suck at writing? Learn how to become a better writer.  Click here

PPS: If you are ready to learn the Attraction Process on the Internet, I recommend a 11 Day Boot camp that will teach you the basics.  Click Here