Join the More To Come Movement
Having More to Come can mean many different things. I want to share with you what it means to me. I worked offline for many years, and my passion is working with people and helping them develop their potential. I love building teams. With all the economic changes that happened in the last decade and a half , I started to look for another way where I could still work with people in a personal way but not necessarily in my geographic area. When I looked at my options I discovered there was a way to learn how to reach people Online.
I now work Online and I realized that many may have gone through some difficult times with the dotcom bust in 2001 and then when the economy crashed in 2008 and 2009. Many lost much of their retirement, or they lost jobs, or they couldn’t find a job. Truth is that difficult times were experienced by many. During this time many have been trying to survive. It is time to change what’s possible for the future and regain what was lost. What you will read may resonate with you as a possibility for a way to change possibilities for your future.
The More to Come Movement is a reawakening of purpose and a positive look forward. It could be a time to reinvent and time to Celebrate who you are. There is More To Come and the Best is yet to come.
Working at home has been liberating for me and the growth and results that it has provided for a better life and what this could do for others has me very excited! There is so much I’ve learned that it has given me new Purpose.
“Helping you to reawaken your true Purpose, and looking forward for More To Come” is now a Vision that is meant for all of you, whatever you choose to do. Take the tired out of retired and if you’re not there yet, respark your life with more enthusiasm for More To Come.
This is for many generations who are interested in doing any number of things that will enrich their life.
Pursue more hobbies
Pursue Causes to make the World a better place
Become Debt Free
Work at home Online
Learn new technology
Gain new skills
Enjoy the children and grandchildren
Set up a Blog for your Passion
If you haven’t seen it already, here is the site.
It is my purpose and vision to contribute in helping others transform their life so that they can truly thrive and be able to live and experience the abundance that our Creator has provided for us.
If you have any views on what you’ve seen already this subject I would love to hear from you in the Comments below.
Johanna Baker
The Revitalized and Awake Entrepreneur
“Help revitalize, your true purpose and know that there is So Much More to Come”