Monthly Archives: January 2016

6 Excuses Stop You From Starting Your Home Business

Are Your Excuses Stopping You-










Your excuses  stop you from starting your own home business.  You moved into the New Year excited that things would be different for you this year. But, things come that stop you from starting your home business.  You are upset because you are stuck.   You want to get your business off the ground, but you are at your wit’s end.  You promised yourself!!  Your desires and passion put you in front of the computer to figure it out.


1-28-2016 6-32-40 PMI have been reading The War of Art by  Steven Pressfield. Steven calls this state, “The State of Resistance”.  This state of “Resistance”, keeps us in a state of fear and in immobility.  We fear the aloneness of being on our own.  When we go to a job, we have our co-workers and a boss and our duties are clearly defined.  When we start a business we are on our own, we’re afraid of being alone.  

We are going to have to figure it out ourselves.  The truth is we are never alone.  As we step out, the dream we have for ourselves sits like a little lady bug on our shoulders wishing us well.  If we call for our courage, in the deepest part of ourselves where the desire to better ourselves comes from, we will be able to support and sustain ourselves.  There are many out on the internet where there is free training to help you get started and figure it out. Don’t let your excuses stop you from starting your own home business.

Are your Excuses just Excuses?

The excuses we make for our selves, is just procrastinating.  Anyone can succeed if they are willing to go out and gain the knowledge and learn the skills that will make a person successful.  Say, you want to work online, or you want to be successful in a network marketing business, it will take setting the time aside to do the learning and then doing the work that is required of you..


If you make excuses and spend your time in front of the television, the knowledge you need to learn for your new craft won’t happen.  Regret word cloud concept

It is resistance to what your heart desires, to really change your life and your finances that stands in your way to make the move to move forward.  


Are any of the following 6 excuses holding you back from starting your own home business?

  • I don’t have the money. Is there  ever a time where you have enough money?  Before the internet it took lots of capital to start a business.Thanks to the internet you can start a business for less than $100.Work with what you’ve got. be careful not to buy every shiny object out there.  Make a decision and try to stay focused.  Concentrate on what will help you the most.
  • I don’t have the time. There is a saying, if you want something done, find a busy person, they get it done.How do people who are in business do it?  They make sacrifices.  They don’t watch TV, They give up socializing as much.  Focus on the time that you do have, where you are not sleeping.  Make the sacrifice and make your dream a reality.
  • The market is flooded. McDonald’s and Burger King are in the same market? If you want to do business on the internet, it’s a myth that the market is saturated. The market is ready for new ideas and marketing strategies.  You need to be willing to take the time and effort to learn and get into action.
  • I’m too old, I’m too young.  Are you on your deathbed? If you’re not, then you have wisdom and life experience that can go into your business. Stop thinking of yourself as old, think of yourself as capable with time and resourcefulness to succeed.  If you’re young, you have time, energy and motivation to learn new things to succeed.  If you believe in yourself, you can prove everyone else wrong and do it for yourself..
  • I don’t have the skills or experience.  That may be the case at this moment.  You don’t know what you don’t know.  Most entrepreneurs who get in a business do not know everything when they first get started.  You can accept that you’ll learn along the way ( and usually from your mistakes) or do something about it to make sure you do learn.
  • Who will help you? There is plenty of help out there.You must help yourself.You will need to look in forums, blogs, youtube, websites where you can learn and grow.  Your confidence will grow as you learn and overcome the obstacles that will show up.  Take responsibility, don’t wait for someone to help you ,move forward. Stop excuses concept.



What are your excuses for not moving forward?


Is your Resistance and your excuses keeping you from achieving success. Take the time to figure out your “excuses”, are they what is preventing you from what you really want? Or are you getting in your own way?Hand writing: In The End We Only Regret the Chances We Didn't Take


If you got some value from today’s post, Are you letting your excuses hold you back from moving ahead?, please feel free to leave me a comment below.  It’s always appreciated.


In Gratitude,


Johanna Baker

“Finally Awake”

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PS:  Get rid of your excuses and take a look at something that will truly get you and your business flying off to a great start or kickstart you into action  CLICK HERE FOR ACCESS

Habits for a successful year


Habits for a Successful YearOld Habits - New Habits signpost in a desert road background

Let’s face, it, another year is beginning and we want this next year to be better than the last. But, we don’t like making a New Year’s resolution that we end of not following through on, because it will make us feel like a failure.


Instead, this year make a commitment to make real changes and develop habits that will make you feel great about who you are and who you want to be.


Many people have written about balance in their life.  How do you have balance in your life when you want to forge in a new direction that will truly make your life better.


From my experience, it can only happen if you make a commitment to yourself and you do it through a process of making incremental positive decisions and develop habits that take you in the direction you want to go.


Running a marathon is not easy.

Cross-country running man and woman together

  You can’t decide today that you’ll run a marathon a month from now.


  It’s going to take training for weeks and months before your body is ready.  


  My daughter decided to run a half marathon in her desire to get herself stronger and healthier.


She made a plan of how far she would run on each day to build up to the time of the race.  


Breaking her desire into manageable increments of distance and then increasing distance, making the sacrifices to do it several times a week made it possible for her to run successfully.


There are no magic bullets.  You have to put in the time and practice, and do it incrementally.


Reality Check

Health Work Career Friends Signpost Showing Life And Lifestyle Balance


Let’s face it, life is complicated


How do you balance wanting to get ahead in a side business, your family, your job, your health.


Truth is it easy to get way out of balance.  If you work too many hours, your health can suffer.


You spend so much time on your business your family suffers.


First thing you will need to do is assess what balance is to you.  You also understand that things change from day to day.  One day may be totally devoted to your family, your next may take much more of your time on your job and you still are doing something on the side, so there needs to be time for that.


If you don’t take care of your health, by the decisions you make about what you eat and the exercise you get, your health will suffer.


Priorities and Boundaries


Time is the essential ingredient of the entire balance problem.  It is important to be aware and schedule your time so that you can develop a routine where you have the time to  exercise. have the the time for your job, the necessary time to grow your business, and you can’t neglect the most important people in your life.

balancing stones

Put things on your calendar.  You want to have special time with your spouse or your family.

Checking monthly activities in the calendar in the laptop

   Schedule your personal time for paying bills,laundry, cooking, shopping,  personal growth, reading and listening to things that will make you a better     person and have a good attitude.

    In other words, block off time for what is a priority.  Sometimes things are out of balance because of what needs to be done.  Sometimes sleep                  suffers.  You just can’t do this all the time or your health will suffer.




Having the Slight Edge

Make the decision that you will do things to reach your goals and that you won’t give up on yourself.  Jeff Olson wrote a life changing book called The Slight Edge.  It is about turning simple disciplines into massive success and happiness.


Jeff Olson’s book,  The Slight Edgethe_slight_edge_review


There are a few people  who have made their dreams come true.  These people seem to have inner direction that does not let them stop until they reach their achievement.


They seem to have this Slight Edge.  Reading this book is a help in having an understanding that it will take more than just the how to’s to make the change in you that will lead you to success.


Why do so many diets fail?  It isn’t that they are put together poorly. I know for myself when I have gone on a diet and my mindset for the success of that diet isn’t there, I am not successful.  I have sabotaged myself in many different ways. How many people do you know that have done as well.


What do you need to do to make it happen?  Discover the one thing that will help you achieve your goal and a life long dream and the ladder to your success. As Jeff explains, it takes much more than the how to’s.  Not that they aren’t important, but the changes that lead you to success come from within you.  Once you discover how your philosophy…. creates your attitude …. creates your actions… which will in turn create your results


Jeff talks about the essential key being our philosophy and attitude.  Self help books, all the how to’s are not enough.  I encourage you to read Jeff’s book and create The Slight Edge in your life

Continuous Improvement

Start Small


If you want to improve your health and you are just getting started to exercise, start with 5 minutes, walk when you can.Papers with inheritance tax and testament form Notepad with healthy life guide, apple and measure tape


With your diet, make good food choices, write down what you’re eating for the next week.


Add things to your routine.


With your family,  write a note of gratitude to your spouse, write a note to your friends,  With your children, make sure you carve out some individual time time with them.


With your business, focus on improving a skill or learn something that you need to know.


If you are in a job, make sure that you are doing more than just getting by.  What if I hate my job and the people I work with.


Hating or disgruntled, that attitude will not help you get very far when you are in business.


To be a leader and help others you will need to have an attitude of helpfulness, appreciation, and gratitude.  00 quotation-gratitude-1


There will be times in your life where you will need to work harder, it will be OK.


Don’t be afraid, that sometimes you will not be successful or that it is taking longer.  It is during this time, we usually learn the most.


Your long term business success will come from making little improvements every day and that is where you will find your Slight Edge.


Having intention and commitment that you will pursue what needs to be done and to learn your skills will enrich your life and give you the success you are looking for.


So if you’re ready to make this next Your Year –  if you’re bold enough to commit, get the mentor-ship and help you need to build a successful business, with residual income – then go ahead and check this out!

You can Continue to Burn a Hole in (1)

To Your Success,

Johanna Baker

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Johanna Baker

Johanna Baker