Monthly Archives: April 2015

Are you stuck……


Why would I ask  you, are you stuck?  stuck_in_mud_2_004







After the economic crash of 2008 things changed for me and I wondered if you also had dramatic changes that affected you after the crash of 2008?  The business I was in went into decline after what happened on Wall Street.  What changes did you experience?


Most people were caught off guard after a time of a great economy.  So many jobs were shipped overseas. Many, many people lost their homes because of the mismanagement of what the banks had done with selling and betting on bad mortgages. We as a society ended up paying the price for the banks bad and speculative ventures with a  big bank bailout.


Why do I bring this up?  Because it was a time of tremendous change,  many had to completely regroup to figure out what their next move would be.  Many had to downsize their possessions and put them into storage. Many were never able to retrieve their possessions.


Out of some people’s tragedy came opportunity, A & E has a series that is still going as we speak called Storage Wars.  Instead of going to garage sales to get bargains, people went to these storage sales, where people could find bargains.sw2_06132011_rk_1201


I’d like to have you take a fresh look at when change happens.  We know that change is a constant in our life.  Your brain should tell you when there is change, change brings problems, when there are problems, people need solutions, that is where you find opportunity.  This is where we as  entrepreneurs step in to solve problems. Not being stuck with our eyes closed, allows you to be open, creative, receptive to all the possibilities and solutions that will have you prosper.


When we offer solutions, we have prosperity.  What does prosperity do, it creates more change.  This is the Solution Economy.  You should embrace change and be mindful.  When you see a product or service for sale consider, is it one that is a result of change?  Not all are.


 Are all Products a result of Change or just making Products better?


As an example, a lot of women sell cosmetics, yes there are changes there because they are always making things better.  Because we live in a time of a quickening pace of technological change, some changes will be much more pronounced than others.


There can be monumental changes in technology and innovation that can change everything.  When there are big changes in science and technology, this is when  you as an entrepreneur, needs to tap in. This is where you can really win.   Check out the latest in stem cell technology and skin care.


There can be radical feats of innovation and technology and you need to be ready to see them.  Don’t put a spoon in where you could put a bucket in and really tap into getting your piece of the action. This is what we are doing when we work online because everything speeds up.


Online has been the big amplifier that has increased the velocity of this change.  Don’t you want to be a part of that? Things are not slowing down, the internet as well as the industrial technological changes are only going to be speeding up. Don’t be the one is stuck in the past.


You can stay stuck doing things the old fashioned way, or you can take a new look and see how the internet and learning to work online can make bigger changes for you.  In this day of age, you need to evolve or you will be revolving like those circular glass doors that keep you twirling around  in a circle at the entrance to hotels taking you around and around and not forward until you step out.  Have you ever thought about Blogging?  Do you need to learn more skills that can make you successful in the Online? andrae doors 5


If you got value from this post, comment down below.  How does what you are interested in, products or services that you believe in make a difference and offer a solution for others?

Also share on Google+ or Facebook if you know of someone that could benefit from this post. Share buttons are on the bottom

Yours in Gratitude,

Johanna Baker

PS:  How to become a Solutions Provider   Click here.

It’s Not About You

When you are in any business, it’s not about you, it’s about how you can become a Solutions Provider to the people you serve.

How can I help 

As I mentioned in my last post, you are a Solutions provider.   It’s not about pitching your stuff, it’s about, how may I help you with your specific problem. You should know what the problem is for your target market.


What is the problem for parents trying to figure out the perfect school for their child?  Will it be a University or a College? Trying to figure out which one is right for their child and how can they send their child to that school.


We are in an amazing time with all the economic changes that are going on,  There are new industries popping up.  We have serious problems facing us and we have people that are coming up with solutions that will help us manage and make the world a better place for all of us that live on our amazing planet.


We do have people I will call Preppers, that are planning for an economic collapse.  There has been a huge industry for people that are planning for the end of the world.  Why is this happening?


There is so much change going on in the world.   We are living in a time of history where change is happening so very fast.  We’ve become people who expect instant changing or the microwave thinking about change.  Those of us who have trouble adjusting to this fast past change, have become frightened.


 Time of Opportunity for Entrepreneurs

Things are happening so fast, so dramatically fast, it allows us as entrepreneurs to slip right in the middle of the shift.  This is going on in the educational system, medical system, mobile system and so on, and so on….16256528-positive-thinking-concept-expectation-of-future-solutions-not-problems-handwritten-on-school-blackb


Everything is changing in the way we communicate, the way we do business, the way we learn, what that means for us in the Solution Economics is unparalleled.  Opportunity that has never been experienced by mankind, because we can do commerce globally.  We are no longer limited by the environment of where we live.


Even 30, 50, 60 years ago we had no such reach and availability of information or commerce.  Because of the shifts that have taken place we are now in a position to take advantage of the opportunities that change brings.  Instead of being fearful. Think Opportunity.


Take a look around you and see how can you make things better and offer a solution to what is needed.  What services or products will be of benefit to those that need them? How will you figure out who your target market is?  Make a difference with what you can offer.  Remember, it’s not about you, it’s how you can solve a problem.


Remember, it’s not about pitching, that makes it look like it’s all about you and what you want.   You do need to be aware that whatever you have chosen, it must be a Solution to what someone is looking for.

If you got value from this post, comment down below.  How does what you are interested in, products or services that you believe in make a difference and offer a solution for others?


Also share on Google+ or Facebook if you know of someone that could benefit from this post. Share buttons are on the bottom


Yours in Gratitude,

Johanna Baker

PS: To find out how you can learn the skills to become a Solutions Provider and be a good communicator on the web, you will need to know how to attract people to  what they are already looking for.  Click here.

Why Internet Marketers Crash and Burn

Why do Internet Marketers crash and burn?


When starting on the internet and the Online world, it’s going to take learning specific skills set ,  having realistic expectations, and having the right mindset to keep at it until you get there.


 Man's Internet Marketing Evolutions

The things you will be need to be able to do:

  1. Manage a Project
  2. Manage Yourself
  3. Show up every day
  4. Know the tasks that need to be accomplished
  5. Stay highly focused on the tasks
  6. Know how to prioritize the tasks
  7. Know how to measure your results
  8. Know how to optimize your results


Many come to Online Marketing wanting to Fire their Boss.  I want to let you know that you need to exercise caution on the idea of firing your boss.


Why is this?  The New Boss has to show up and be Spectacular!  If you think that 5 to 7 hours a week will do it, you are kidding yourself.  To be successful, you need to put in the time and there is a learning curve to this process. Most have a problem with this, because they can barely show up on a daily basis..


It is mandatory to show up every day!  You must become your own task master.


What is the Solution for the Network Marketer?


Let’s turn the corner to tap into the Internet Marketer’s Solution.  We are in a Solution Economy  So whether  you own your own restaurant, you are an attorney,  a network marketer, an affiliate marketer, no matter what you’re selling a service or a product, you are providing a solution.


Whether it is makeup for women, skin care for women and men, jewelry, supplemental nutrition to solve specific issues or just to get healthier, legal work, high tech systems, they are all there to solve a problem that someone has.


You are tapping into the concept that you are a solution provider.Makes you want to put a badge on your shirt:  Solutions Provider!  Show up for work as a Solutions Provider!


This will be your new identity, no matter what you are selling.  This is the mindset you have to have to help people that you are providing a solution to a specific problem.  You should know what the problem is for your target market.


More to come on the Solutions to how to be an internet marketer that doesn’t crash and burn.


If you got value from this post, comment down below. I want to know what makes you an attractive marketer!

Also share on Google+ or Facebook if you know of someone that could benefit from this post. Share buttons are on the bottom of this post.

Yours in Gratitude,

Johanna Baker

PS: If you want to understand how you can become a Solutions Provider and attract people to you, then you need to check this out Click Here.