Category Archives: Online Education

Break the comfort zone or bank account stays empty

Life begins outside of your comfort zone. You can only

Look at the largest obstacle to your success and you will find that it’s you and your comfort zone which leaves your bank account empty. You need to break the comfort zone you’re in to make the empty bank account grow.   That may be hard to hear and so let me explain it in a way that you can understand so that you don’t continue to self-sabotage yourself unintentionally.

When you skin your knee when you’re starting to walk and run, you are developing new skills in life. Why would you think that when you start a business online, that you wouldn’t have bumps and hurdles that you need to cross?

What does raising a child have to do with owning your own business?

Let me ask you a question?  Do you have a child or children?  Do you know there will be discomforts and not knowing exactly what you are doing when you raise a child?  

Wouldn’t the same hold true as you move into the world of business and the world of working online?  Being in the home business arena and the online arena is one of the most lucrative practices in the world today.

Are your Actions in Line with Your Expectations?

If your expectations of being an entrepreneur are not in line with the actions you take  you will justify why the money is not following.  In all reality, the path is simple but never easy to the life-changing profits in business.

Today you deserve to know that you deserve to experience those life-changing profits in business.  So what should you look at to have a new career as an entrepreneur?  Let me ask you a question.  Again, to my previous question, do you have a child or children? If you don’t do you know someone who does?

You Deserve to have More in Life, right?

I’d like to give you an analogy that could open your eyes, to some major differences and similarities that need to be addressed in owning a new business.  This is important to know because it has to do with your comfort zone and an empty bank account.

When you have a new baby, the baby does not come with an instruction manual.  You do learn the differences in the hungry cry, the dirty diaper, the stomach ache, the tired,  the teething, the frustration of trying to communicate cry.  During this time, there are sleepless nights, you’re not always happy, you get tired, maybe even cranky, but the overriding feeling is your concern for the well-being of this new baby.  You love this baby, it is a part of you and you want only the best for this new life you are caring for.

When there is something wrong with your baby, it gets your attention.  It takes time for you to understand what your baby is trying to tell you.  Is the baby sick ? What do you need to do to for your baby to fulfill his or her needs?  Your baby  will pull on your heartstrings and you will try to find out what is needed.  This baby will have you laughing, smiling and feeling the joy of this new being that eventually will grow into a person that you will grow to love more and more.  That is your job as a parent.

Entrepreneurship is like having a Baby

Entrepreneurship is like having a baby.  You’ll have to practice some things that are not always comfortable.  You’ll need to put in some new daily habits into your daily routine that you’ve not done before.  

At first, these habits might feel a little uncomfortable.  Isn’t that always the case when you start something new?  It’s uncomfortable until it starts to be comfortable. Just like having a newborn, by six months you will be able to identify the different cries.  You will finally be more comfortable.

Do you know what is possible?

When you know what you have, it all becomes worth it. The personal change, the money coming into the bank account, the new skills that are no longer uncomfortable but have now become a daily  habit. The trust and mentorship of the team you have aligned yourself with is personally rewarding and financially profitable.

Who wouldn’t enjoy better sleep, a better immune system, experiencing  more money than month.? You could show someone a path to solving problems with a solution that is proven and that works.  A proven pathway with mentorship.  Who wouldn’t want to show someone a path that works?  Your business can become a passion.

You need to be sure about what you have that works.  If you are in network marketing what are the steps you need to do daily that will lead you to success?  Your business will not grow if you aren’t making daily presentations.

Do what’s Uncomfortable until it becomes Comfortable and a New Habit

Do the things that are uncomfortable until they become comfortable and you have developed new habits.  Learn new skills and become the person that changes your future.  There is greatness in each of us.  There is greatness in you and new habits can be created.  All is possible with intention and some grit.


In Your Service,

Johanna Baker



PS:  Come join me on a Proven Path that works.


Habits for a successful year


Habits for a Successful YearOld Habits - New Habits signpost in a desert road background

Let’s face, it, another year is beginning and we want this next year to be better than the last. But, we don’t like making a New Year’s resolution that we end of not following through on, because it will make us feel like a failure.


Instead, this year make a commitment to make real changes and develop habits that will make you feel great about who you are and who you want to be.


Many people have written about balance in their life.  How do you have balance in your life when you want to forge in a new direction that will truly make your life better.


From my experience, it can only happen if you make a commitment to yourself and you do it through a process of making incremental positive decisions and develop habits that take you in the direction you want to go.


Running a marathon is not easy.

Cross-country running man and woman together

  You can’t decide today that you’ll run a marathon a month from now.


  It’s going to take training for weeks and months before your body is ready.  


  My daughter decided to run a half marathon in her desire to get herself stronger and healthier.


She made a plan of how far she would run on each day to build up to the time of the race.  


Breaking her desire into manageable increments of distance and then increasing distance, making the sacrifices to do it several times a week made it possible for her to run successfully.


There are no magic bullets.  You have to put in the time and practice, and do it incrementally.


Reality Check

Health Work Career Friends Signpost Showing Life And Lifestyle Balance


Let’s face it, life is complicated


How do you balance wanting to get ahead in a side business, your family, your job, your health.


Truth is it easy to get way out of balance.  If you work too many hours, your health can suffer.


You spend so much time on your business your family suffers.


First thing you will need to do is assess what balance is to you.  You also understand that things change from day to day.  One day may be totally devoted to your family, your next may take much more of your time on your job and you still are doing something on the side, so there needs to be time for that.


If you don’t take care of your health, by the decisions you make about what you eat and the exercise you get, your health will suffer.


Priorities and Boundaries


Time is the essential ingredient of the entire balance problem.  It is important to be aware and schedule your time so that you can develop a routine where you have the time to  exercise. have the the time for your job, the necessary time to grow your business, and you can’t neglect the most important people in your life.

balancing stones

Put things on your calendar.  You want to have special time with your spouse or your family.

Checking monthly activities in the calendar in the laptop

   Schedule your personal time for paying bills,laundry, cooking, shopping,  personal growth, reading and listening to things that will make you a better     person and have a good attitude.

    In other words, block off time for what is a priority.  Sometimes things are out of balance because of what needs to be done.  Sometimes sleep                  suffers.  You just can’t do this all the time or your health will suffer.




Having the Slight Edge

Make the decision that you will do things to reach your goals and that you won’t give up on yourself.  Jeff Olson wrote a life changing book called The Slight Edge.  It is about turning simple disciplines into massive success and happiness.


Jeff Olson’s book,  The Slight Edgethe_slight_edge_review


There are a few people  who have made their dreams come true.  These people seem to have inner direction that does not let them stop until they reach their achievement.


They seem to have this Slight Edge.  Reading this book is a help in having an understanding that it will take more than just the how to’s to make the change in you that will lead you to success.


Why do so many diets fail?  It isn’t that they are put together poorly. I know for myself when I have gone on a diet and my mindset for the success of that diet isn’t there, I am not successful.  I have sabotaged myself in many different ways. How many people do you know that have done as well.


What do you need to do to make it happen?  Discover the one thing that will help you achieve your goal and a life long dream and the ladder to your success. As Jeff explains, it takes much more than the how to’s.  Not that they aren’t important, but the changes that lead you to success come from within you.  Once you discover how your philosophy…. creates your attitude …. creates your actions… which will in turn create your results


Jeff talks about the essential key being our philosophy and attitude.  Self help books, all the how to’s are not enough.  I encourage you to read Jeff’s book and create The Slight Edge in your life

Continuous Improvement

Start Small


If you want to improve your health and you are just getting started to exercise, start with 5 minutes, walk when you can.Papers with inheritance tax and testament form Notepad with healthy life guide, apple and measure tape


With your diet, make good food choices, write down what you’re eating for the next week.


Add things to your routine.


With your family,  write a note of gratitude to your spouse, write a note to your friends,  With your children, make sure you carve out some individual time time with them.


With your business, focus on improving a skill or learn something that you need to know.


If you are in a job, make sure that you are doing more than just getting by.  What if I hate my job and the people I work with.


Hating or disgruntled, that attitude will not help you get very far when you are in business.


To be a leader and help others you will need to have an attitude of helpfulness, appreciation, and gratitude.  00 quotation-gratitude-1


There will be times in your life where you will need to work harder, it will be OK.


Don’t be afraid, that sometimes you will not be successful or that it is taking longer.  It is during this time, we usually learn the most.


Your long term business success will come from making little improvements every day and that is where you will find your Slight Edge.


Having intention and commitment that you will pursue what needs to be done and to learn your skills will enrich your life and give you the success you are looking for.


So if you’re ready to make this next Your Year –  if you’re bold enough to commit, get the mentor-ship and help you need to build a successful business, with residual income – then go ahead and check this out!

You can Continue to Burn a Hole in (1)

To Your Success,

Johanna Baker

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Johanna Baker

Johanna Baker

Become Unstoppable

Become UnstoppableNoDate (3)


Become Unstoppable. What does that have to do with Improv and our life?

Have you ever been in a theater group?

Maybe in High School?

What is the most fun and also the scariest?

Improv is like life because we need to respond in the moment as we go through life in different situations, when we interact with people and build relationships.  We don’t have a script about how we are to respond or act as we move through life. We need to trust our gut and go.improv-as-an-actor-makes-you-present-in-the-moment-you-listen-youre-attentive-youre-not-acting-so-quote-1


The reason I liken Improv to life is because it lacks preparation for being in the moment.

improv words words

When we think about Improv, many of us think about comedy and wonder, how can they be so funny and in the moment?


I did some research on Improv and discovered there are guidelines that Improv players follow to make it work.  I discovered that these guidelines are actually helpful as you look at being successful in business. Why is improv a lesson to becoming unstoppable?


Being in your own business where you are the boss, holds you to a higher standard.  You are now reporting to yourself.  You will need to become fearless, think in the moment, keep your limiting beliefs at bay.  Think about a person in improv, are they not fearless, in the moment and they are thinking outside of the box as they are responsive in the moment?


When you first make the decision that you want to start your own business and enter the arena of Entrepreneurship and you may want to do this online, you do this with your intellect, but your emotions are there to validate or nix the idea.


What are the secrets to building an unstoppable Self Confidence?


self love procuct2

  • Believe in yourself.  Don’t compare yourself to others.  When looking at others, you are only seeing the surface.  Build on your strengths, build your skills, focus on your goals and how you will get there.
  • It doesn’t mean that the loudest people are the most confident.  Learn to trust yourself and your own strengths.  Think about the people you admire the most.    Is their strength showy and braggadocios?  (Many may be feeling insecure.)  Most of us admire someone who has depth of character and helps others.
  • Keep the things you believe you’re not good at at bay. Focus on what you’re good at and use your strengths to advance yourself. Even people who are successful have things they aren’t good at.  Use your strengths to overcome obstacles that may get in your way.
  • Use positive affirmations that you believe will become your reality. Your positive self talk may not make you the most confident person, but successful people are good at positive self talk.  The best way to help yourself through your own doubts is to remind yourself of what you have accomplished and what you are still capable of doing. Your positive self talk can become more believable to you and changes will come from there.
  • Self confidence is about how you feel about yourself. Self confidence isn’t what others are thinking about you.  Your self confidence is about who you are, where you are and want to be in your own life and in leadership.  When you are sure about what you know and who you are then your self confidence and your ability to lead will be a natural consequence.
  • In the Serenity prayer:  God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,  The courage to change the things I can, And the wisdom to know the difference.  This prayer gives clarity and understanding of what you can do and what may just be a waste of time to move you toward your goal.  Make daily choices that will lead you to your goal.                                                                                                          


  • Jim Rohn, a leader in the personal development arena, had a great story he would tell about judging character, giving you insight into what you can change and what you can’t change.scorpion & the frog 8749346  He tells the story about the frog in the lily pond.  A scorpion comes along and asks the frog for a ride across the pond.  The frog says, “No way will I take a scorpion across the pond because scorpions sting frogs.”  The scorpion declared, “Why would I sting you, I want to get across the pond?”  The frog sighed, “If you promise you won’t sting me, I will take you across the pond.”  The scorpion promised.  So, they set off across the pond.  They were pretty close to shore on the other side, and guess what?  The scorpion stung the frog.  The frog asked,”Why did you do that?” “ I am a scorpion and that is what scorpions do, they sting.”  Know what you can change and become a good judge of character. Just as a leopard can’t can’t change their spots, others will do what they do because of who they are.


  • Decide to be committed to yourself. If you are true to what you want and are committed, then every day you will accept responsibility for doing the things that are necessary to reach your goals.  If you stumble or have setbacks, mount that horse, dust yourself off and don’t give up on yourself.  Even if you fall off the horse again, mount the horse again, don’t procrastinate, be true to yourself. Do what it takes to get to the goals you created for yourself.





When you are brand new to online marketing, you will benefit from learning a number of skills. What are the principles to having a business online?  First off you need to discover why you want to earn money online.  Some may say, I don’t like selling face to face and I hate the rejection. When you market a product of value, everyone will want what you have.


When you embark on a course of training you will discover how and what you want to market. You will learn about sales funnels and Lead capture pages. What are you going to email people once you have their name captured?  What kind of value will you bring to the person who is reading what you’ve written.  How can you help them?


What are the many connections with business and Improv?

Getting back to Improv and the connection it has to owning your own business. The guidelines for an Improv is that you enter without preparation and you respond in the moment with your feelings and intuition.  In our line of work in online marketing we need to be an Improviser, we need to be in the moment and connecting with stories. When we are talking with people we need to be listening before we respond, another principle in Improv.  Communication and Creativity are key in Improv and also key in our business. Improv is also about teamwork and building rapport.  Aren’t those key elements important in owning a business?


Let me tell you about Paul, one of the persons that is looking to change his life.  He has done a lot of odd jobs,construction, which takes a lot of physical exertion. He is looking down the pike and thinking, he doesn’t want his body to wear out and be working this kind of work when he’s in his 40’s.50’s and 60’s.  Work is up and down.  Sometimes it’s great and other times the times are lean.  Sometimes he needs to travel to where the work is.


I ask him, why does he want to work online?  He wants to learn new skills so he  can develop a  stable long term income.  He doesn’t want his body to wear out before he can have any fun in life. Does any of that sound familiar?


Getting back to improv.  If a character starts going on a story line and his partner says yes, the story can become very entertaining.  But what if, he says NO.  What happens next?  Nothing.  Everything stops.


So if you want the story to go on…. what is the answer that keeps it going?  Yes.

Improv & Bus say yes

Saying YES gives you Possibilities.


Many are afraid of failing, so they never start.  Failure is a way out.  Failing does not mean you’re a failure, you just start again. Fear is what is so immobilizing.


The following is an excerpt from Keith’s Winner’s Path Weekly Newsletter.

I was speaking to a client recently when it struck me how often I find myself coaching people around their fears and worries. Although we may want to better our lives and accelerate our productivity, many of our decisions are governed by fear. We want more, but avoid risks, so we continually produce similar results over again. We fear change, for we may lose some degree of control over the outcome. We fear expressing how we feel or what matters most to us, in fear that it would make us vulnerable. We fear leaving what’s predictable and comfortable, although it may not be best for us. We fear not having and not getting, having what we want and losing it, even getting what we want and no longer wanting it!



If your desire to succeed is strong enough then you’re willing to recognize your fear, realize it and push through it to become unstoppable.  Fear is a funny thing, because your old programming can get in the way of you seeing clearly  what you can do to work and push through it. transform fear into action iStock_000022997726Small-583x387


Listening with every part of your being makes it possible to make the best response.  It is also a willingness to change and to play the game that you are choosing.


Johanna Baker is offering you a Challenge

You wouldn’t be reading this if you didn’t want more in your life.

When you get that queasy feeling in your stomach, be bold, it’s your fear that has just cropped up.

You are your biggest critic.

Your doubts and fears, scare you, but once you decide what you want and step out your world will change.

Make a commitment to yourself.

Yes, I want positive change in my life.

Yes, I am going to be an entrepreneur.

Yes, I am going to build my own business.

Yes, I want to make a difference for me, my family, my children and grandchildren.

Yes, I want to build my legacy.

Yes, I want to leave a positive impact on this earth, that will touch many lives.

I challenge you to be the change you want to see in the world.

You have it in you.

You have a passion and a fire to make a difference.

You may be facing a little fear, can I really do this?.

I challenge you to face the fear and do it anyway.

Be Bold and unstoppable.

See your influence ripple out into the world and make a difference.

Be 10 times Bolder with intention.

Decide to give it your full commitment and willingness to learn and act.

Promise yourself that you will continue to learn and act till success shows up

Only Action produces results.

irecognize the power of taking action mages (4)







What plagues most business owners is, what actions will I be taking?

What actions will produce positive cash flow?

A business not making any money will not be around for the long term.


So if you’re ready to make 2016 Your Year –  if you’re bold enough to commit, get the mentor-ship and help you need to build a successful business, with residual income – then go ahead and check this out!You can Continue to Burn a Hole in (1)




To Your Success,

Johanna Baker

Johanna Baker

Johanna Baker

Like me on Facebook



The Problem With Prospecting and Recruiting on Social Media



This October will mark 10 years (2005) since I entered the network marketing arena and my life took a crazy detour into the world of entrepreneurship, deep personal development and experiencing more negativity than any human should have to endure.

The good news is that my friend Ferny’s story in this industry has a happy ending and he will tell you all about here.

I quit job as an engineer 2 1/2 years after joining the industry in 2008, became a 6-figure earner in direct sales by 2009, built a 7-figure internet company by 2012 and I am now the co-owner of an online direct sales company, which I first joined as an affiliate back in 2006.


My journey however was not without many fumbles, embarrassing moments and more prospecting faux pas than I care to share and I hope my friends, family & strangers I attempted to prospect have long forgotten the things I did. LOL

But here’s a few, so you have an idea…

Have you ever invited friends over for some beers and very unsmoothly transitioned to showing the plan to a very angry audience? I have.

Have you ever tried to prospect your bartender, a few too many beers past ‘buzzed’ and have him respond with, “Is this Amway?” Doh! I have.

Here’s a good one… have you ever prospected a girl, while on a date as a “test,” because your upline told you that if a girl is not positive about your business, she’s not a keeper? Yep… didn’t turn out well.

And that’s about as much as I’ll reveal, because I’m starting to get really depressed remembering all this right now. Ha ha ha…

The point is, I’m about to cast some heavy stones at some networkers, but I just wanted to let ya’ll know that I’ve made mistakes too… but that doesn’t mean we should be going easy on those that are committing some MAJOR prospecting mistakes on Social Media and online.

In my day, my fumbles happened offline and there is thankfully no record.

Unfortunately, today…

The Internet Never Forgets and It’s Ruining It for Everyone Else

I once heard that success in business is all about ‘time’ and ‘place’. As a professional marketer, I would add ‘message’ to the equation as well.

Unfortunately, network marketers today are being taught online prospecting methods, which include the wrong message, at the wrong time and most definitely in all the wrong places!

Here’s the truth!


There is a VERY fine line between prospecting on social media and spamming people. I’m sorry to say that most network marketers have been turned into human spam bots by their upline and company leaders…

‘Disposable distributors’ tasked with the job of spreading the word about their company’s products or opportunity, at the expense of the individual’s reputation and risking the suspension of their social media accounts.

Just recently, I asked affiliates of my company to share examples of the WRONG WAY to prospect online, by sending me screenshots of the poor attempts at prospecting they receive every day…

The WRONG Way to Prospect and Recruit9-24-2015 4-33-10 PM


Successful entrepreneurs and networkers alike eventually learn the true secret to success and it becomes the foundation upon which their entire prospecting, recruiting and business building strategy is founded.

That secret being:


“People don’t care how much you know, until they know how much you care” – Theodore Roosevelt

The screenshots above are weak prospecting attempts from people who haven’t yet figured out that building a business is not about tricking people or finding the right copy/paste FB messages to send to strangers.

It’s about actually caring about people, becoming a person of value and being someone uniquely positioned to help someone with their problems.

That last one is critical “uniquely positioned to help someone with their problems.”

Any idiot can copy and paste a message into the Private Message function on Facebook.

What sets you apart from the rest of the desperate reps hitting people’s inboxes with their new “ground floor” opportunities or cash programs?

Now this doesn’t mean, prospecting online doesn’t work. I know some very skilled recruiters who are excellent at online prospecting, but just like offline prospecting, they’ve devoted the time and effort to learn this very difficult skill and have mastered it. And if that’s the strategy you want to deploy, you need to do it right or else!

But if you’re still a little fuzzy on whether you are a spammer or not, here’s a guide of sorts…

Top 5 Warning Signs That Your Prospecting Efforts are Actually SPAM

1) You first private message to a stranger on social media includes a link to join your opportunity.

2) You get angry replies via private messaging and/or you have been reported as a spammer.

3) You post links to your opportunity or website in the comments section of other people’s social media posts

4) You compulsively want to talk about your company or products, without anyone asking you to share.

Finally… this one is the most important one…

5) You engage in interactions online, with a hidden agenda, hoping to transition the topic to something that would get people interested in your opportunity, without caring about knowing the other person.

This last one for me is a big one but could also be controversial.

After all, #5 is the very definition of prospecting (online or offline), which even when done right… can still feel awkward, result in people getting angry at you and very unleveraged, which is why I eventually decided to stop prospecting all together.

But here’s the interesting thing…

“When I Stopped Prospecting People, My Business Started Growing!”

I can’t tell you how relieved and at peace I felt, when I once again, was able to go out with my friends, visiting a family member’s home or be in a public place without having to think about prospecting anyone.

Just enjoying being normal again, was incredible, after two years of being taught by my upline that “everyone was a prospect” and approaching every conversation with a hidden agenda, I was free!


That’s because it wasn’t until I STOPPED prospecting, that my business actually started growing!

Weird, right?

At this point, you may be asking, “then how the hell did your business grow?”

Well before I answer that, I have to say that there are people who are very skilled prospectors and recruiters who completely disregard the issues I mentioned above.

They knowingly and without shame, approach every interaction with a stranger as a prospecting opportunity.

Getting yelled at or cursed out by prospects is no big deal, as long as some people say ‘yes.’

And just like doing it right offline, there’s a way to successfully do it online as well. After learning and becoming very good at prospecting, I decided that I didn’t want to build my business this way.

The problem with prospecting in general, as it’s normally taught, is that the mindset going in, is still about what YOU want people to do and about manipulating people into doing what you want them to do.

In other words, it’s about YOU, not them. I didn’t like that, but I still did it for a little while… until I did find a better way.

The More Leveraged Alternative to 1-on-1 Prospecting, Which Won’t Make You Feel Like a Cheap Sales Man

Now, I am not trying to be high and mighty about all this prospecting stuff, because I’m not.

If it came down to feeding my family with ‘stone cold’ prospecting tactics or my kids starving, I choose stone cold prospecting every time, without remorse.

But the reason I was able to quit prospecting was because, with the help of some extraordinary mentors, I eventually discovered an online recruiting strategy, which…

Enabled me to recruit more people in 1 Day, than the most skilled recruiter in the world can do in 1 month I was able to passively generate leads, customers and new reps – even when I was out having fun with friends and family.

(Hence why I didn’t have to worry about prospecting them!)

Rather than spending hours spamming or private messaging people on social media, I learned how to legitimately get Facebook and other networks to actually help me attract the people who are most interested in what I have to offer, using their ads platform! (i.e. going legit!)

In fact, every day for almost 8 years now, I’ve awoken to an email inbox full of notifications for new leads, new customers, new team members and commissions I earned while sleeping!

This strategy is called ‘attraction marketing’, which is an internet marketing strategy designed for networkers and people in direct sales!

You see, if your business depends on you being on social media, sending private messages or commenting on people’s posts all day, you are NOT doing internet marketing … despite what you may have been led to believe.

Online prospecting and internet marketing are NOT the same thing!


Internet marketing is a passive strategy, which works, even when you are not.

If you want to learn how it works, I actually reveal the entire strategy I’ve used for the past 8 years, in a free 10-Day Online Recruiting Bootcamp available here.

You’ll also get more details about a book I wrote, which is goes into the nuts n’ bolts of my recruiting & selling formula.

Now if traditional prospecting online or offline is your thing and you want to stick to that, by all means, go for it.

My friends, Eric Worre, Ray Higdon, Todd Falcone and Tim Sales are all about that stuff.

(And they do ‘attraction marketing’ too!)

For me, there was simply a certain way I wanted to live my life and that was more important.

I would much rather make a ton of money in my business first and then have my friends and family beg me to tell them more about it it.

It’s much better than begging my friends and family to join a business which isn’t making any money.

Which would you prefer? Exactly!


To your success,

Ferny Ceballos
Author of Attraction Marketing Formula

Johanna Baker

The Revitalized and Awake Entrepreneur

“Help revitalize, your true purpose and know that there is So Much More to Come”

Like me on FB

Johanna Baker

Johanna Baker











PS:  Get rid of your excuses and take a look at something that will truly get you and your business flying off to a great start or kickstart you into action with the best Training on using Social Media successfully.  CLICK HERE FOR ACCESS

Set up a Google Hangout


What is a Google Hangout?  How do I use a Google Hangout?

Closeup of a Business Thumbs Up

A Google Hangout is like Skype.  It’s a way to communicate across the internet where you can see each other, great way to connect with family and friends.


Google Hangout  is also useful, because you can also share your computer screen during the Hangout. It can be used as a  training tool that can then be posted to YouTube and be available to many more people..


To be able to use Google Hangout, you first must have a Gmail account.  This is easy to get.  Go to   .  Google Hangouts can only be done when the person you want to connect with also has a Gmail account. Once you have a Gmail account, you will also need to create a Google+ profile.


If you are brand new to Gmail, you will find your name in the upper right hand corner of your Gmail messages, along with a diagram with a number of dots in it.  This diagram is a menu to many more programs within the Google family that you now have access to.  Here you will find the Google+ APP to set up your Profile.

Here are instructions on how to set up your Google Hangout.



Click on Google+ and sign in.  Create a Profile.  Google+ is a lot like Facebook, with a more business minded orientation.


Also when you post onto Google+ and it it is connected to Google,  your Posts are more likely to show up in the Searches. When you create your Profile, add your picture so people know what you look like,


You will want to add people to your circles and grow your followers, just like in Facebook.


Here is info directly from Google on creating a Google Hangout:


“With Hangouts, you can send messages, emoji, and photos or start video calls with your friends and family. You can start a Hangout from Gmail, Google+ Page or profile, the Chrome desktop app, your Android or iOS device, Inbox by Gmail, or with the Chrome extension.

You can start a Hangout with anyone you’d like as long as the person has a Google Account. If you start a Hangout with someone who doesn’t have a Google account, an invitation will be sent to their email address asking them to join Hangouts.

Set up a Google Hangout

Start a Hangout conversation or video call

  1. Open Hangouts in Gmail or Google+.
    • Gmail: In the bottom-left corner, click on the Hangouts icon . ”
    • Google+: In the top-right corner, click on the Hangouts icon .”


As you just read, look for the symbol with the quotation marks to start a google hangout.  It will be a live link.


In this list below are the steps to getting a video Hangout started.


  1. Sign in to Google+.
  2. At the bottom of your Hangouts list, click Start a video Hangout.
  3. You’ll see a share box to create your video Hangout. …
  4. You can add specific people or circles, or make the video Hangout public.


Once you have a Google Hangout open, you can start inviting people to your hangout.  Once you have opened your Google hangout, you will see a link for the hangout.  This is a link you can send out in an email to people.  You can also put in email addresses or add people from your circles in Google+ to your hangout.


When you start your hangout, you will need to decide if you want a live camera shot or block the video where only your picture will show as a static picture.  There are some icons at the top of the hangout that will allow you to have a live picture or a picture of you that you have in Google+


You can make a live recording by going to the left side of google plus and scrolling down to Hangouts on Air.  These videos are recorded and will go out on YouTube. These can start Now or be scheduled to start later.


The Hangouts on Air feature will allow you to do webinar like training, live training for your team.  All these are searchable on YouTube.


When you are finished with your google hangout, click the red hang up button and it will end.

Have fun with this process!



In Gratitude,

Johanna Baker

Like me on FB


PS: Learn how to become a successful business owner.  Click here


#set up a Google Hangout ,# How to set up a google hangout,   #How to do a Google Hangout, # Hangout Training, # Video Hangout, # Public Hangout, #Hangout on Air


How to set up a Blog?


You are thinking about setting up a Blog.Blog concept

What are the things you need to be thinking about?


First off you’ll need to think about what your purpose is for starting a Blog. Do you want to start a Blog to  teach others what you know who may need that information.  Will it be a Blog Branding what you know? Do you want to make money writing a Blog?


Either way you will need to have a platform to host your Blog. For most people having a Word Press site is the best option.  This Blog is built on a Word Press Platform.  You will need to have a Lead Capture Page to capture people’s information,   because  you must build a list.


What I like about Word Press is there are many formats to choose from and you can customize it to suit what you want to present . It’s like having your own location on the internet.  You will need a Domain Name and a Host for your site.


I have used GoDaddy for my names and my hosting.  There are others that you can check out. HostGator, DreamHost, Bluehost and 1&1. The cost of a Domain name is less than $15 a month.  Starter hosting packages cost less than $15 a month.  When you’re first getting started there are YouTube videos that can guide you through a lot of training on how to do things in the Word Press site.


Once you have your Word Press site you can choose Themes and Looks, install plugins that will enhance the functionality of your site,I found it fun to go through the different choices of pre-installed themes available to determine a starting place for how you want your Blog to look.


Here are a few of my favorite Plugins.


  • Word Press SEO by Yoast
  • Akismet *
  • Google XML Sitemaps
  • Widget Wrangler
  • Google Analytics by Yoast
  • Broken Link Checker
  • Share Buttons- By Add to Any
  • Updraft Plus – Back Up Ultimate
  • Google Analyticator
  • WP Super Cache
  • * Many of these Plugins are Free


Choose  Your Subject for your Bloggreat blog content label

You will need to be thinking about who you are writing for.  You need to write about something you that captures your interest and also what others are looking for.  Remember, it’s not about you, but who  you will be able to help with your writing.  Step back and think about your readers and your potential customers and what they need to know to be more successful. You will need to think about who your target market is.  What is their age, where are they in their life and what is it they are looking for.


Here are some things to think about

  • Is the topic something people are looking for?
  • Can you profit from what you write?
  • What is your competition?
  • Is there a gap you can fill?
  • Do you have interest and expertise?
  • Are their affiliate programs that you could join where you can make money?


What are some profitable subjects that people are interested in.

  • Health, making money, relationships are profitable subjects
  • There is always a way that you can figure at edge to reach your target market
  • Realize when you have others that are teaching similar things, there is a market for it
  • Getting the training and expertise, is not difficult if you are motivated to learn it
  • Figure out what you want to sell before you get started.



Figure out what you want to write about and the angle and niche where you will be able to assist others.  All the items that are listed above will need to be thought out so you know where you would like to go.  You may need some guidance and tools to figure this out.  I am here to assist you.

If you got value from this post, comment down below.  How does what you are interested in, products or services that you believe in make a difference and offer a solution for others?

Also share on Google+ or Facebook if you know of someone that could benefit from this post. Share buttons are on the bottom

Yours in Gratitude,

Johanna Baker

Like me on Facebook

betr cropped little hair face no chin





PS:  If you want to learn the skills to become a Solutions Provider  , Click Here


#Benefits of Blogging, #Market Yourself,  #Learn how to Blog,  # Become Indispensable in your job

#Solution Economy, #Brand Yourself

Internet Explorer is in its last days

Internet Explorer is in its last days

You may be saying….. Amen.  Or, you’re not surprised that  Internet Explorer is in it’s last IE symbol


You may not be surprised, with all the crashes and problems you’ve had with it.  On it’s 20th Birthday later this year, looking back at it’s peak,  it had 95% of it’s market share.


Now, it’s definitely on life support. Microsoft  has it’s hand loosely on the plug.


The new browser Spartan will be released with Windows 10  sometime in the fall of 2015, and may have some semblance in the new version.  It is sure to have the add on capabilities of Firefox and Google Chrome.


Internet Explorer or IE,   didn’t stay current with what was going with Firefox and Google Chrome and so it’s demise is only a short time away.

 How did Sears miss their chance?

Not keeping up with change is something that happens all the time, I think of Sears who had the most incredible catalog sales.


Sears didn’t see the opportunity to move with technology and Amazon came along and changed the entire market.


Change is the most inevitable constant we experience in our lives.


Because of this continuous change  and technology moving faster and faster, sometimes it feels like it’s harder to keep current.


Is there an option to stay current?


If you’ve been in network marketing and the home business arena you most likely have been taught to make your list and everyone is a prospect for what you have.  Wrong, and you’ve most likely experienced a lot of rejection  It may be time to learn a different way that will not leave you feeling like you have been a punching bag. How do I start on the internet


Learning how to draw people to you through attraction marketing is very appealing and works. But, how do you do that?


Having the right program and person to learn from is so important.  I spent the last year learning how to do online marketing and learned a lot and then discovered that the training was not completely truthful. Because it had huge holes in the how to do it right, I spent  money that did not lead me to successful advertising because key information was left out.  I am glad for the training, but when you become disillusioned, it may be  time for a change.


Choosing a trainer and training system where you can truly learn the basics is critical to your success. Don’t get me wrong, I learned many things, but there were holes, and when you are missing some critical elements, things don’t work very well and the extra income you were looking for in your project won’t be there.

 What System will help your success?

When you are looking or even if it’s where you are right now, you need to ask yourself some important questions., Do you have a system that allows you to  have an effective marketing program?  That is what everyone needs, without it, you are trapped by contacting everyone you know and trying to connect using the 3 foot rule . Or, you are spending a small fortune on leads that are supposedly looking for something to better their financial life.   What happens, is that  you are talking to people, who don’t want to be sold, about what you have. Remember, everyone likes to buy, but no one wants to be sold. They like to discover it.  That’s why the internet is so great.


You may be saying, I am only sharing.  When a person understands there is financial gain for the person sharing, their listening changes and they become uncomfortable, because they know you want them to buy from you.  To be really successful you need to have a target market and a continuous stream of people who want to talk to you and want what you have.

 Have you been speaking with Opportunity Leads?

If you are like me you have been through the process of talking to endless opportunity leads who didn’t sign up for anything on the internet that said they wanted to make more money.  They were looking for a job that will pay them for showing up and doing their tasks.  They don’t really want to make big changes in their life.


The other issue you have when talking to these leads, is that they don’t trust what you’re saying. Why, because they don’t know who you are, and that you are a trustworthy person and what you have is trustworthy.  Because of the shenanigans that have taken place on the internet and people that don’t know you, people are naturally skeptical.


So what do you do to make this change.  You need to find and follow a person that you do trust  and follow what they have to say.  If you are the one Blogging, then you will need to build that trust with your target market.  You will need to know of what you speak and how to help someone out of their dilemma of what is not working.


You will have to show them the system and how it works so they can make money online and learn the skills necessary to succeed online.

 Have you been stuck in the ways you are currently doing things

What  has been keeping you stuck from being able to move forward?  Remember change is constant.  If you are like I was,  take the first step and start to explore what you don’t know yet.


Don’t be a network marketer that continues to struggle doing the same thing hoping for different results… become the network marketer that can teach their team how to build their business. Provide tools beyond the traditional MLM world.


Show them the magic of attraction marketing.


If you got value from this post, comment down below. I want to know what makes you an attractive marketer!

Also share on Google+ or Facebook if you know of someone that could benefit from this post. Share buttons are on the left.

Yours in Gratitude,

Johanna Baker


PS: If you want to understand the Lies that you have been told about having Success in Network Marketing and what to do about it, check this out.