Tag Archives: Blogging

Will Baby Boomers have enough money to retire?


Will Baby Boomers have enough money to retire and enjoy their retirement?

Like me, I bet you’ve seen TV commercials  in which the Investment companies asking people how much money they think they need to be putting away for their retirement. Baby Boomers are at that place and when asked “How can I make this money last?” for most the answer is, I don’t know.  http://www.cnbc.com/id/102581574


retirment coming







Michael Yardney confirmed that 74% of baby boomers have no idea how much it’s going to take to retire “comfortably”. According to the US Labor market more people are  working after the age of 55. Since 1990, the number of people still working in their 60’s has increased every year. http://blogs.wsj.com/economics/2014/08/14/the-truth-about-  retirement-for-baby-boomers/

(Michael is a director of Metropole Property Strategists who create wealth for their clients through independent, unbiased property advice and advocacy.)


According to Warren S Hersch, “two-thirds (62 percent) of middle-income boomers doubt they will have enough money to live comfortably throughout retirement.

About half (48 percent) of those who work with a financial professional are confident they’ll have enough money to live comfortably in retirement regardless of asset level, while less than a third (30 percent) without a professional feel that way.” http://www.lifehealthpro.com/2014/11/11/the-boomer-retirement-gap-13-key-findings-infograp

These are pretty astounding numbers and certainly make you think if you are getting closer to retirement. What will retirement be like for you?  Kathleen Pender who writes the net Worth Column for the San Francisco Chronicle  has posed the following questions with some astonishing answers.

Will Baby Boomers have enough money to retire? Read the Next article from the San Francisco Chronicle.

From the Net Worth Column of the San Francisco Chronicle

How much money will you need to have saved to retire?

One financial planning firm says you should have eight times your final annual salary in investments (excluding your primary home). Another company says 12.5 times is more like it.

These rules of thumb work in both high-cost and low-cost areas because they are based on your current standard of living.

The real answer, of course, depends on your individual circumstances, including your income, age at retirement, life expectancy, expected rate of return on investment, housing situation, medical conditions, insurance and whether you want to leave anything to children or charity.

But figuring that out takes a lot of work. Only 44 percent of workers say they or their spouse have ever tried to calculate how much money they will need to have saved by the time they retire, according to a survey by the Employee Benefits Research Institute.

This comes from http://www.sfgate.com/business/networth/article/You-probably-don-t-have-enough-money-to-retire-5536519.php

What are your Options?

work retire







What are your options if you find yourself falling short of what you think you will need?  Many are choosing to work more years. which is born out by the Wall Street Journal and the numbers they got from the Federal Reserve.



It’s important for baby boomers to enjoy their retirement.  Their top priority is to be able to afford to take vacations after they retire.  Unfortunately, many are concerned about their retirement prospects, which can be seen through the lens of the sfgate.com article.  Only 29% believe that they will have enough money to retire.  Only 19.4% think they will be able to rely on property retirement funds to retire. They may want to downsize and use their profits to invest or live on.people on the beach



These are are all interesting statistics and can be a bit overwhelming.  You may be wondering about where you fall after reading  the numbers and wondering how this relates to your future.


Many Baby Boomers are looking at alternative ways of earning another income by working from home which is something I have done myself.  Others are continuing  to work at their jobs much longer than they originally planned.


I would like to hear your comments about today’s post. I’d like to know if any of the details match your experience  or are yours different.  Feel free to leave your comments below.

I am here to assist you.  Did I help you? If so I would greatly appreciate your comments below and sharing this on Facebook.


Youthfully Yours,

Johanna Baker

The Revitalized and Awake Entrepreneur

“Help revitalize, your true purpose and know that there is So Much More to Come”

PS:  If you are someone who wants to earn income from home, feel free to email me at:


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What I use to  learn how to work online and have the tools to learn online marketing.

#retirement,  #BabyBoomers, #BabyBoomersandretirement

How to set up a Blog?


You are thinking about setting up a Blog.Blog concept

What are the things you need to be thinking about?


First off you’ll need to think about what your purpose is for starting a Blog. Do you want to start a Blog to  teach others what you know who may need that information.  Will it be a Blog Branding what you know? Do you want to make money writing a Blog?


Either way you will need to have a platform to host your Blog. For most people having a Word Press site is the best option.  This Blog is built on a Word Press Platform.  You will need to have a Lead Capture Page to capture people’s information,   because  you must build a list.


What I like about Word Press is there are many formats to choose from and you can customize it to suit what you want to present . It’s like having your own location on the internet.  You will need a Domain Name and a Host for your site.


I have used GoDaddy for my names and my hosting.  There are others that you can check out. HostGator, DreamHost, Bluehost and 1&1. The cost of a Domain name is less than $15 a month.  Starter hosting packages cost less than $15 a month.  When you’re first getting started there are YouTube videos that can guide you through a lot of training on how to do things in the Word Press site.


Once you have your Word Press site you can choose Themes and Looks, install plugins that will enhance the functionality of your site,I found it fun to go through the different choices of pre-installed themes available to determine a starting place for how you want your Blog to look.


Here are a few of my favorite Plugins.


  • Word Press SEO by Yoast
  • Akismet *
  • Google XML Sitemaps
  • Widget Wrangler
  • Google Analytics by Yoast
  • Broken Link Checker
  • Share Buttons- By Add to Any
  • Updraft Plus – Back Up Ultimate
  • Google Analyticator
  • WP Super Cache
  • * Many of these Plugins are Free


Choose  Your Subject for your Bloggreat blog content label

You will need to be thinking about who you are writing for.  You need to write about something you that captures your interest and also what others are looking for.  Remember, it’s not about you, but who  you will be able to help with your writing.  Step back and think about your readers and your potential customers and what they need to know to be more successful. You will need to think about who your target market is.  What is their age, where are they in their life and what is it they are looking for.


Here are some things to think about

  • Is the topic something people are looking for?
  • Can you profit from what you write?
  • What is your competition?
  • Is there a gap you can fill?
  • Do you have interest and expertise?
  • Are their affiliate programs that you could join where you can make money?


What are some profitable subjects that people are interested in.

  • Health, making money, relationships are profitable subjects
  • There is always a way that you can figure at edge to reach your target market
  • Realize when you have others that are teaching similar things, there is a market for it
  • Getting the training and expertise, is not difficult if you are motivated to learn it
  • Figure out what you want to sell before you get started.



Figure out what you want to write about and the angle and niche where you will be able to assist others.  All the items that are listed above will need to be thought out so you know where you would like to go.  You may need some guidance and tools to figure this out.  I am here to assist you.

If you got value from this post, comment down below.  How does what you are interested in, products or services that you believe in make a difference and offer a solution for others?

Also share on Google+ or Facebook if you know of someone that could benefit from this post. Share buttons are on the bottom

Yours in Gratitude,

Johanna Baker


Like me on Facebook

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PS:  If you want to learn the skills to become a Solutions Provider  , Click Here


#Benefits of Blogging, #Market Yourself,  #Learn how to Blog,  # Become Indispensable in your job

#Solution Economy, #Brand Yourself

What are the Benefits of Blogging?


You may be wondering what are the benefits of Blogging and why would I Blog or even consider it?

In my last Blog I wrote about the fact that “Change is a Constant”  in our life.  Since the 1950’s with the technological revolution, it feels that change is speeding up.   “By 2020, more than 40% of the US workforce will be so-called contingent workers, according to a study conducted by software company Intuit in 2010. That’s more than 60 million people that will be contract workers.”  Find out more here.


If 40% of the work force will be freelancers, what changes will individuals need to be making  with so many no longer employed directly by companies and working as contractors? How will we stand out as the one that will get the job done? This brings us to a concept of becoming an expert and “Branding”.   Because,  we have all become Googlers for information on the internet, it’s important to develop a Presence Online where we can be found.  this is where the concept of “Branding” ourselves becomes important.

How can you help others with what you know?

What skills do you bring to the table? How could you help others with the expertise you possess?  Think about what you are good at and if need be, what could you learn that would be valuable to others that you can teach.   People are always looking for information and how to do something.  What unique perspective and expertise that makes you more valuable can you bring to the marketplace?

Josep M Rovirosa

You need to be on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, you should have your own Blog. Even if you are an employee, you should have your own Blog.  Because of all the changes happening, we need to be thinking about a Plan B.  We need to be ready for what may happen next.


What would you do if you knew  if your job could change or disappear?  There have been articles written about how to become indispensable in your job. See it here.  To make yourself indispensable, you will need to be able to sell yourself and all the things you are bringing to the work you do.  This could make the difference in keeping your job.


For some, thinking about a Plan B, may mean starting something on the side of what they are already doing.  It may mean starting a business.  Gaining skills always makes us more attractive in whatever we are doing and is essential if we decide to venture out into something new.  If you Blog you will gain credibility and authority which will make you more valuable to the people who need what you have to offer.  Your job is to create valuable content.  This valuable content is just one of the metrics used by Google to rank how you will show up when Googled.

How would lawyers and attorneys benefit?

Every year there are 40,000 law students and only half of  them are able to work as lawyers.  Those are terrible statistics that half of the students don’t become lawyers. It sure makes you wonder what happens to all those that can’t work in the profession they chose?


Wouldn’t it be valuable for these students to be taught how to market their capabilities?   They should be doing this as an undergraduate. They should have a Blog and be  learning to Brand themselves. They will need to do this as an attorney and if they don’t become a  lawyer and end up doing something else.  Law schools teach them to know the law and become good technicians, but not how they will need to market themselves later.happy_woman


Everyone needs to Brand themselves, you’ve got to be ready.  You need to be at the Top of the Food Chain in Online Marketing.  When you decide to put yourself on the internet the skill  you will need to learn is how to market yourself online. Change brings with it a “Huge Solution Economy” and the need for people  to fill that need.  See the change as Opportunity and you will be the winner, filling a need that others have.  Are the benefits of Blogging a way for you to move your life forward?


Robert Kiyosaki says the only difference between a rich person and a poor person is how they use their time. Is all your time spent in front of the TV? Paul Zane Pilzer says that Prosperity comes to those who do things the fastest. What I believe Paul means here, is that when you see a need and you seize the opportunity to do something to fill that need and you move quickly, you have the best chance of success.


When you invest in yourself you are building your Brain Capital, this allows you to become indispensable. This investment builds your resume. Once you have the Brain Capital, you’ve got to be able to market yourself.  As a Blogger there are a number  of ways to make money.  The ways to make money will be discussed later.

Are you ready for the changes coming by 2020?

With the statistics of 40% of the workforce being independent contractors by 2020, it is important to look ahead and be prepared for the changes ahead.  Could Blogging be a way to assist you in this preparation?  Develop a Mindset to succeed and be committed to figuring it out.


Truth is that none of us can do this on our own.   Be willing to learn and ask for help.


I will be writing more about  Blogging and  what you need to know and do.  I am here to assist you.


If you got value from this post, comment down below.  How does what you are interested in, products or services that you believe in make a difference and offer a solution for others?

Also share on Google+ or Facebook if you know of someone that could benefit from this post. Share buttons are on the bottom

Yours in Gratitude,

Johanna Baker


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PS:  Learn how to become  a Solutions Providerr.  Click Here


#Benefits of Blogging, #Market Yourself,  #Learn how to Blog,  # Become Indispensable in your job

#Solution Economy, #Brand Yourself


Internet Explorer is in its last days

Internet Explorer is in its last days

You may be saying….. Amen.  Or, you’re not surprised that  Internet Explorer is in it’s last days.download IE symbol


You may not be surprised, with all the crashes and problems you’ve had with it.  On it’s 20th Birthday later this year, looking back at it’s peak,  it had 95% of it’s market share.


Now, it’s definitely on life support. Microsoft  has it’s hand loosely on the plug.


The new browser Spartan will be released with Windows 10  sometime in the fall of 2015, and may have some semblance in the new version.  It is sure to have the add on capabilities of Firefox and Google Chrome.


Internet Explorer or IE,   didn’t stay current with what was going with Firefox and Google Chrome and so it’s demise is only a short time away.

 How did Sears miss their chance?

Not keeping up with change is something that happens all the time, I think of Sears who had the most incredible catalog sales.


Sears didn’t see the opportunity to move with technology and Amazon came along and changed the entire market.


Change is the most inevitable constant we experience in our lives.


Because of this continuous change  and technology moving faster and faster, sometimes it feels like it’s harder to keep current.


Is there an option to stay current?


If you’ve been in network marketing and the home business arena you most likely have been taught to make your list and everyone is a prospect for what you have.  Wrong, and you’ve most likely experienced a lot of rejection  It may be time to learn a different way that will not leave you feeling like you have been a punching bag. How do I start on the internet


Learning how to draw people to you through attraction marketing is very appealing and works. But, how do you do that?


Having the right program and person to learn from is so important.  I spent the last year learning how to do online marketing and learned a lot and then discovered that the training was not completely truthful. Because it had huge holes in the how to do it right, I spent  money that did not lead me to successful advertising because key information was left out.  I am glad for the training, but when you become disillusioned, it may be  time for a change.


Choosing a trainer and training system where you can truly learn the basics is critical to your success. Don’t get me wrong, I learned many things, but there were holes, and when you are missing some critical elements, things don’t work very well and the extra income you were looking for in your project won’t be there.

 What System will help your success?

When you are looking or even if it’s where you are right now, you need to ask yourself some important questions., Do you have a system that allows you to  have an effective marketing program?  That is what everyone needs, without it, you are trapped by contacting everyone you know and trying to connect using the 3 foot rule . Or, you are spending a small fortune on leads that are supposedly looking for something to better their financial life.   What happens, is that  you are talking to people, who don’t want to be sold, about what you have. Remember, everyone likes to buy, but no one wants to be sold. They like to discover it.  That’s why the internet is so great.


You may be saying, I am only sharing.  When a person understands there is financial gain for the person sharing, their listening changes and they become uncomfortable, because they know you want them to buy from you.  To be really successful you need to have a target market and a continuous stream of people who want to talk to you and want what you have.

 Have you been speaking with Opportunity Leads?

If you are like me you have been through the process of talking to endless opportunity leads who didn’t sign up for anything on the internet that said they wanted to make more money.  They were looking for a job that will pay them for showing up and doing their tasks.  They don’t really want to make big changes in their life.


The other issue you have when talking to these leads, is that they don’t trust what you’re saying. Why, because they don’t know who you are, and that you are a trustworthy person and what you have is trustworthy.  Because of the shenanigans that have taken place on the internet and people that don’t know you, people are naturally skeptical.


So what do you do to make this change.  You need to find and follow a person that you do trust  and follow what they have to say.  If you are the one Blogging, then you will need to build that trust with your target market.  You will need to know of what you speak and how to help someone out of their dilemma of what is not working.


You will have to show them the system and how it works so they can make money online and learn the skills necessary to succeed online.

 Have you been stuck in the ways you are currently doing things

What  has been keeping you stuck from being able to move forward?  Remember change is constant.  If you are like I was,  take the first step and start to explore what you don’t know yet.


Don’t be a network marketer that continues to struggle doing the same thing hoping for different results… become the network marketer that can teach their team how to build their business. Provide tools beyond the traditional MLM world.


Show them the magic of attraction marketing.


If you got value from this post, comment down below. I want to know what makes you an attractive marketer!

Also share on Google+ or Facebook if you know of someone that could benefit from this post. Share buttons are on the left.

Yours in Gratitude,

Johanna Baker



PS: If you want to understand the Lies that you have been told about having Success in Network Marketing and what to do about it, check this out.



Did You Know The Wall Street Journal Loves Digital Marketing??

Did you know that the Digital Marketing Industry is worth $62 Billion Dollars?       ( according to the Wall Street Journal article I just came across, Wall Street loves Digital Marketing.)  What does Digital Marketing mean?


3e8ba4aDigital Marketing

As you will read in the Wall Street Journal, it’s all the e-commerce that is going on online. Check it out here:



So what can this mean to you  What is it?  It’s Marketing something of value on the Internet..  It’s about having a Passion and being able to communicate online.  It’s about learning various skills that will make you more  valuable. You say, I don’t know the first thing about how to get something going on the internet. What are your choices?



1)  You can decide its not for you and watch me and others do it successfully.

2) You can decide to jump in and learn what it’s all about and decide to learn and be coached to be a part of a turn key profitable system.

You don’t need to have technical experience to get started and you will be coached and guided with all the training on what to do.

Image - jack memeTo check it out. Click here to learn more

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Johanna Baker



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Want to have a blog like this and earn 100% commissions then JOIN ME HERE


PS:  You may be wondering how can I start something, when I don’t know the first thing about how to start and what to do.  Click Here To Find Out How.


PPS:  Tap into This No B.S. System For Collecting 100% commissions  Every Single Day ON Autopilot.  Click Here To Watch This Epic 57 Minute Video

What Would Be The One Reason To Begin Your Own Home Internet Business?

Why Have Your Own  Internet Business?

It’s really very simple,  why you want to have your own internet business.  It is to generate additional income.  How much?  That depends on how much additional income you desire. Senior couple using tablet at home


When you are in a job, there are usually ceilings and rules that the management has decided about what the percentage increases will be year to year. To gain control of the what is possible to earn, you will need to be in your own business. Having your own business gives you more choice about what you can earn.


Traditional business will need a lot of capital to get started.  You will need Space to start your business, something you are selling, which means that you will need some kind of inventory.  This will require a business plan to take to the bank, if you require additional funds to rent space and buy inventory. Depending on what kind of business this is, it could be costly.  Any Franchise could run into the hundreds of thousands of dollars where you will get training on what to do.

 What are the advantages of working from home?

The advantages of working from home are that you can start part time, choose the hours you can work to build a strong and sustaining business.  You are the one and only employee and to make it you will need to dedicate yourself to work hard and put in a lot of effort and dedicate yourself to your enterprise.  Noone is looking over your shoulder to make sure you get the work done.  Are you the kind of person that will work harder for you than you work for someone else?


To achieve success in your own home business, it will be up to you and the kind of lifestyle and income that you want, to put in the effort that will get you to your heart’s desire.  It will always be worth the effort because you will be able to earn as little or as much as anyone working around the world in a home business.  elderly woman working on  computer in the garden


When you work for someone else the possibility exists that your income could be snatched right from under you.  Also, there is no ceiling for what you would like to earn.  You are the only one who determines how much you will earn.  This is where your determination and long vision are so important.  Being able to control of how much money you will earn is in your hands. This is the big reason so many get started in an Online Business.


Because people no longer want to be constrained by what the job will pay, having the ability to learn a new way of creating income is why people chose to get into an Online Internet  Business.  With determination, learning some new skills it is possible to generate income that can supplement and make your lifestyle and that of your family’s life better and more comfortable.


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If you’d like to work with me personally CLICK HERE


Johanna Baker




Want to have a blog like this and earn 100% commissions then JOIN ME HERE


PS:  You may be wondering how can I start something, when I don’t know the first thing about how to start and what to do.  Click Here To Find Out How.


PPS:  Tap into This No B.S. System For Collecting 100% commissions  Every Single Day ON Autopilot.  Click Here To Watch This Epic 57 Minute Video




Why I joined Elite Marketing Pro 60 Day Challenge!!

Elite Marketing Pro 60 Day Challenge

What is the “Elite Marketing Pro Challenge?” Excellent sign

First let me tell you a little about myself and why I decided to do the “Elite Marketing Pro 60 Day Challenge”.

I have been in network marketing for many years and have had a great deal of frustration for myself and for my team members with talking with friends and family to build an at home business.

Knowing that so much business is now being done online, I was searching for a way that I could learn how to build my business successfully online and I was looking for a way my team could also learn a new way of marketing.

What made me take the 60 Day Challenge?

My dear friend told me about “Elite Marketing Pro” and I jumped in!!!

What I discovered is that  The Elite Marketing Pro program is so good it is like receiving a PhD in Online Marketing.


The Program is very complete. I really lucked out and was able to take the very 1st 60 Day Challenge taught by Chef Katrina and Chef Doug.

I thank Katrina and Doug both for the excellent Program they put together.

I learned about Blogging and creating Lead Capture Pages and Sales Pages and how to capture “prospects” who are also wanting to learn how to do online marketing successfully. A second 60 Day Challenge was offered and I jumped on it. Again, this Program was taught by Chef’s Katrina and Doug. The curriculum is being taught in even more depth. This is a work in progress for me.

What are the Benefits?

This Program comes with a Community. This community is there to learn from and is also there where you can ask questions So often in life and even in business you can feel isolated and alone.

Because this program is structured with a couple of Elite Marketing Pro Google Communities (which are Private until you become a part of the Program) a lot of discussion and help is available. You are in Business for yourself, but Not By Yourself. You may have heard that before, but in this Program, help and camaraderie is available. You are Not Alone.

We have a training on Tuesday’s and a Question and Answer Session on Thursday with Homework to keep you on track

How do you decide on a Marketing Strategy?

Before being a part of Elite Marketing Pro, I had no clue on how to even determine what Strategy to use or even to figure out what it might be.

We have a new Program that I have found to be an “Awakening”.  Ferny Ceballos after having tremendous success with his own team has put together a manual .”The Attraction Marketing FormulaThis is on a special right now. Ferny was an MIT Graduate and has been more successful and had more fun than when he was an Aerospace Engineer. He along with the Brilliant Tim Erway are teachers in this Program.

Here you will be able to figure out your own strategy.

So how does this Challenge Work?

Getting back to what to expect from this Challenge. Even though the 1st 60 Day Challenge was very succinct in leading us down a path of discovery of the many aspects and training available in Elite Marketing Program, it was still easy to become overwhelmed with so many avenues to choose from.

So what did I do? I started Blogging and continued to learn. Now with the second 60 Day challenge, teachers Chef’s Katrina and Doug continued with a very systematic approach, going into even more depth to help guide us all in the Elite Marketing Pro program to become better at Online Marketing.

Our job is to register for the webinars twice a week, once for the training, once for the Q and A and do our homework. Because the elements build one to the next, I get more and more excited. I believe I will get it and get good at it. This could be the avenue you’ve been looking for.

Hear from me why I love this 60 Day Challenge.


If you have an interest in learning how to do Online Marketing then I recommend that you check out this program. Please click here to find out more.



By now you discovered that this is in fact the only online marketing platform that will take you light years ahead of the crowd.

Do not waste another minute of your time….

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Effort will release it’s reward, only after you refuse to quit,

In Gratitude,

Johanna Baker


Please leave me your comments if you found this helpful. If you found it helpful, please pass it along in Facebook and Google+.


Is Your Income stagnant?

Is your income staying stagnant?

Are you in a situation where you work hard and your income and your wages are staying stagnant and you feel you can’t get ahead?Worried Senior Couple Sitting On Sofa Looking At Bills

You are not alone and I want to explain why and also offer you some hope of change. First it’s important to understand the present and where we are now. Our Economy in the US has grown faster in 2014 than any other economy in the world. By the numbers in the Congressional Budget Office the deficit has dropped by a third which is a 6 year low.

The Labor Department grew for 55 months straight and unemployment fell to 5.99% the lowest since July of 2008. Despite a robust recovery 56% of Americans are feeling behind financially,this is the same as it was in October 2008 during the breakdown of the Wall Street Financial Crisis. Why are so many despondent over the economy when it has been recovering?

President Obama in a recent CBS interview on 60 minutes talked about Ronald Reagan who would ask the question, “Are you better off than you were 4 years ago?” He continued with, the Economy is back and continued with the rhetorical question, then why are people not feeling it? For Obama in 2008 when we were going through a financial melt down, we are definitely better off than we were in 2008 than when he came into Office.

He believes people aren’t feeling better because income and wages have not gone up. Paychecks have not gone up and the average American’s paycheck is still not going up. These numbers are coming from Data Economist’s sites and the Census Record, GDP and Median Income Reports.

During Reagan’s first 6 years the GDP grew by 22% and income climbed by 6%.

During Bill Clinton’s first 6 years GDP grew 24% and income increased 11%.

During George Bush’s first 6 years GDP growth was 16% and median income decreased by 2%

During Obama’s first 6 years GDP grew 8% but decline in median income was 4%

Adjusting for inflation the middle class is 1% poorer than in 1989 when Reagan left Office. Obama’s approval rating is 43% and Ronald Reagan was 63% at the same time they were in Office.

Guess what the new employment report sees, that this trend is continuing. It won’t matter which party is in office if changes don’t take place. The average wage in the Private Sector decreased from $24.54 to $24.33. Why are wages stagnating and falling?

Nobody knows for sure. Usually when unemployment drops you can demand better wages, but that isn’t happening. Nobody knows why. Globalization with its endless supply of cheaper labor from around the world could be a reason, it could be technology that is replacing people with machines and software.

It could could be more technical factors.Unless the American people can feel a change for the people that have jobs this will have economic and political consequences in the future.

This data was taken from Fareed Zakaria CNN on 10/12/14

So now that you have had a reality check, what can you do to change your own financial situation? How many jobs can you work?great-idea

Could you add something to your life and go in a slightly different direction to help yourself and your family? What skills do you have that you might be able to monetize on the internet?

Remember the movie Julie and Julia?  This is where Julia tried out all of Julia Child’s recipes and then Blogged about it? Do you have a passion for something that you could Blog about?  Your life experience and being able to teach others what you know could be a stepping stone.

Being able to do something on the internet successfully may require learning some new skills; skills and teachers that will guide you to success.  Are you open to learning how you can Blog and do it profitably?

If you want to learn more about what it would take to Blog. There is an excellent eBook that teaches you what the Anatomy of a good Blog is. You can check it out by clicking here.

I have discovered that the internet is a way to reach people that you don’t know and help them change their financial circumstances. You may want to discover the world of the internet and how it can help you.

If this is something you would like to entertain, please get back to me.
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Yours in Gratitude,

Johanna Baker


Start Your Blog While You Work

 Why Start your Blog While You’re Working?

MLM Blog Training -Courtesy of 7 Figure Home Business

MLM Blog Training – Courtesy of 7 Figure Home Business

So you are tired of the endless stream of rejection and you are looking for another way to build your business. Will starting a Blog  while you’re working at your job, be an answer?  What if you could generate 20-100 leads a month that want what you have. How could you do this?


Are you tired of wasting your hard earned money on tire kickers. People who don’t have any credibility . You are wondering how you will ever succeed in this home business arena or even a Brick and Mortar Business where you need more sales.  You don’t want to give up on your dream of financial freedom, or at least not having to worry about money anymore. So what is the answer to finding people or have people find you?


How can the internet with it’s worldwide reach be the help that you need. I have gotten into a program called EMP and they are teaching me step by step what to do to learn all the skills needed to have a successful Online Presence. I have learned how making your Blog can be a genuine successful venture. I want to pay it forward. So here goes…


Blogging is a way that you can make money by itself or add it to your existing business.  There are some people who have started a Blog out of their own interests or a hobby that they love and have made money in the process. Sounds crazy or sounds like a Dream. It’s true. Remember the Movie Julia and Julia? Its about Julia who cooked all of Julia Child’s recipes and Blogged about it.  It became a movie.  If you haven’t make a point of seeing her process.

How will having a Blog Benefit You?

The Power of the Blog doesn’t need to take all of your time. What will starting your Blog do for you?

1) It will give you a credible business platform. You will be an expert in what you do and not just a business owner.

2) Increase the organic SEO (Search Engine Optimization) traffic to your website so that more people will find you.

3) Provide you with an extra stream of passive income.


I was in a situation that you may find yourself in. You found a company and you are in love with their products. You definitely are enthusiastic about how you feel if it’s nutrition or if it’s new technology, you are enthusiastic about how it will assist people.  Here may be some of your obstacles you have run into.


1) No Time

2) No leads or traffic

3) Talking to unqualified leads

4) Don’t have credibility

5) Technology Challenged

6) Missing a Coach or Mentor So where do you start.

Who is your Target Market?

First you will need to figure out who is your audience if you already have a business.  Does your business need more traffic? Who wants this information? Are you looking for people who are looking to better their life? Business owners in a Brick and Mortar Business, Realtors, Mortgage Brokers,  Any Business Person wanting to build a wider audience?


Do you want to reach frustrated network marketers?  Who are the top leaders in your company?  Pharmacists, Financial Analysts, Dentists, Doctors?  What don’t they have enough of?  Time with their family. Time to pursue many important Projects that they believe in, but if they quit working, the money stops.  Do you think what you have will appeal to people who want Time Freedom and Financial Freedom??


You can set up a Blog for less than $70.


Next Step, let people know about your Blog.  Use Social Media. Facebook, Google +, Twitter, Pintrest or any other Program you are a part of.


What’s Your Destination? More time with your family? Travel, Vacation? Build your Bank Account? Pay off all Bills? Buy a Car? Save for your child’s education or make money now to send them to College? Build your bank account , to have more security? Build your bank account to secure your retirement?


Get your hands on training that will teach you the 7 steps to generating endless leads that only a few mentors and leaders teach. So if you are ready to engage and harness the code to build your Network Marketing Business or Affiliate Program; discover the first step in this process with 7 Free Videos. http://bit.ly/invitingcopy


This will be your most valuable resource in building your 6 or 7 figure business. To hear more tips and tricks for starting your Blog and working Online, sign up for my newsletter here.



Empowering Your Potential,

Johanna Baker

408-272-8116 H

408-219-3574 M



PS: Suck at writing? Learn how to become a better writer.  Click here

PPS: If you are ready to learn the Attraction Process on the Internet, I recommend a 11 Day Boot camp that will teach you the basics.  Click Here